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No se recomienda el tratamiento combinado del hipertiroidismo con levotiroxina y agentes antitiroideos durante el embarazo. Se han reportado casos de angioedema. Se han reportado rara vez convulsiones al momento de iniciar el tratamiento con levotiroxina.

Las hormonas tiroideas no pasan la barrera placentaria. Influencia de la levotiroxina en otros medicamentos: Si se requiere, se debe ajustar la dosis de anticoagulantes. Los inhibidores de la proteasa por ejemplo, ritonavir, indinavir, lopinavir pueden influir en el efecto de la levotiroxina. Read all information given to you. Follow all instructions closely. Keep taking this medicine donepezil 23 mg tablets as you have been told by your doctor or other health care provider, even if you feel well.

To gain the most benefit, do not miss doses. Take this medicine donepezil 23 mg tablets at bedtime. Take with or without food. Drink lots of noncaffeine liquids unless told to drink less liquid by your doctor. Do not chew, break, or crush. What do I do if I miss a dose? Skip the missed dose and go back to your normal time. Do not take 2 doses at the same time or extra doses. If you miss 7 days of this medicine donepezil 23 mg tablets , call your doctor to find out what to do. Dosage Information in more detail What are some side effects that I need to call my doctor about right away?

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