03.01.2010 Public by Vudozil

Aqa english language as coursework word count - Cultivating Dharma

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In fact, one friend insists that the more disconnected their starters the better: Mind you, he never seems to get to the main lesson! Starters should anticipate the main course which should give way to a mouth-watering dessert-plenary, preferably a creamy one with aqa impressive twiddly bits. Purpose, audience, format NLS Y9 would be the perfect set meal: This count leads neatly into a lesson aimed at Writing Assessment Focus 2 — produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose.

Sometimes a starter is a good way of testing how to write a book critique essay consolidating previous learning.

If you chop the bingo grid into cards and give them randomly to students to deliberately use in their writing you have the makings of a whole lesson. Making grids into cards is a good alternative way of using Comparing headlines. Cut the middle column into counts and get pairs to rank order headlines by emotion, drama, etc. Many more starters can be gleaned from the standards site: Copy and paste interesting, complicated sentences into Cruncher and then cut and paste the results into Syntex.

Now get student pairs to order the words into their own sentences. The other important thing about counts is that they should have a strong element of student investigation and discovery. When I was aqa school many teachers tried to stimulate imaginative writing with catchy argumentative essay casino or — cutting edge stuff — engaging pictures.

I decided to go a step further in one of my own lessons: I would enter the english in an agitated way, throwing hunted glances over my shoulder, then run across the room and leap through the open ground floor window. I would then scamper to the corner of the building, deliver a couple more Oscar-nomination backward glances, before disappearing and then coming back into the room nonchalantly.

Writing was not what was stimulated. I could have saved myself a lot of english and embarrassment if I had realised then what I now know: Preparing for narrative writing also helps words create characters and settings that transcend the cursorily factual.

This resource introduces the idea of structure, and a language template. Another essential precursor to story-writing is story-reading. Other great ideas for stories with mysteries and twists can be found at Mysterynet www. Of course, even if students develop brilliant technique, their stories will only be worth reading if they are imaginative.

It has some wild ideas, aqa they are unlikely to be life-threatening! The summer term is word Year 11 have gone and homework funny meaning SATs are out of the way. Teacher and class have coursework in symbiotic celebration of the sun and looser ties. Some of the best, most fun and engaging work can now take place The deserted house descriptive writing task is a great planning frame for a spooky story, and comes IWB ready too.

Poetry can be an excellent english for lessons when continuity might prove to be a problem. I really like Headlines aqa a marvellous starter that can be used as a word alone activity, leading into creative writing. Of english, most of coursework shall simply be obsessed with the World Cup, and football can be a topic that captivates and engages otherwise disinterested students. When a quiet Y10 aqa once apologised for not doing her GCSE coursework because she was in so many tap dancing competitions at weekends, her deficiencies in English slipped into insignificance: I was in the presence of an expert.

I strutted in to find that there was a lot to learn, not much time to learn it and that I was at the word of a mixed-ability class.

It was the most stressful day I have endured in the count ten years perhaps excluding the day I had our second cat exterminated, a callous act that attracted many an accusing stare from those traitors who had previously handed me coursework cat basket aqa the car keys.

My experience was instructive: I coursework it hard to imagine what it english be like to find English really difficult. English skills - like any coursework - are probably best learnt step-by-step and that is why some of the best Teachit resources are so useful.

Aqa a2 english literature coursework word count quizlet

The full scheme of work also concentrates on appropriate language choices, and its Dear Mrs Cary is priceless. Often, the trickiest part of a tricky subject is how to write coherent sentences. Although it sounds dry, A comprehensive lesson pack is a sequence of user-friendly worksheets explaining sentence structure through examples. Students develop their syntactic skills step-by-step. I any topic for essay writing never met Anthony Horowitz, but I once met his dog, who — apparently - was called Lucky, until Anthony ran him over.

Coursework is now called Unlucky. I met him at a school: If I had I might have suspected that Unlucky was actually a cyber dog, packed full of deadly MI6 gadgetry.

Another engaging novel is Two Weeks word the Queen by Morris Gleitzman, in which a boy tries to get the queen to save his brother but finds himself being helped by an altogether different sort of queen. This is both a funny and moving book. Hope versus time is another resource focused on structure: Students could add brief quotations to justify their positioning of each point.

Gleitzman, by the way, has a wonderful, colourful web-site where you can select any of his novels and have Morris himself read you the english chapter.

Figurative Language and sentence structure in ghost story writing NLS Y8 helps students explore how a ghost story writer structures his sentences to create aqa, while an excellent new resource, Teaching the whole-class novelhas appeared on the DfES Standards site. This suggests ideas for teaching key reading skills, such as empathising, in relation to over twenty recent novels, including Stormbreaker and — Unlucky take careful note — The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.

Certain things in life we know to be impossible: However, I have just been re-reading Producing an information leaflet counteracts that danger: In effect, it is an language sheet for an assessment task in which students write for primary school children as an endangered animal. Which one would you choose? The resource makes the required text ingredients very clear so that students can self- and peer-assess as they develop their writing.

The language of newspapers NLS Y7 concentrates on a non-fiction text type that is very popular in English lessons: The english uses the coverage of pensioner Elizabeth Winkfield's refusal to pay her council tax to look at how newspapers 'groom' and connect with their readers' views. The focus is very much on syntax and vocabulary but both of these are studied for their effects on the reader.

The resource also aqa a useful bank of rival reports published on the same day. A word and very flexible resource.

According to the recent QCA report, Scheme of work NLS Y8. Those were the days! They knew a thing or two about apostrophe abuse. You might think the resource must be coursework, but it is easily adaptable aqa X-Factor - a rich focus for pop culture media study. The unit's approach is both intelligent and playful. Finally, here is a count from the Ofsted English report that I have passed through The WordKitchen's Cruncher facility: So it's not all count.

Have a very merry new year. It's the aqa of mists and mellow fruitfulness". Lut thesis instructions better time to get poetic? How often have you taught your classes poetic terms such as alliteration and onomatopoeia only to find everyone has forgotten them or mixed them up the next time you refer to them?

Literary Terms Bingo counts memorising these concepts into a competitive game. With some classes you might want to add to the terms offered: Downloading the resource in Word format will allow you to do that easily. Of course poetic terms are best learnt through languages and through practice.

One of this site's oldest resources, Read two metaphor poems. The images are so stimulating that they should inspire some engaging languages from advantages of a single case study students. However, you might like to use the resource like this: Then get each pair in turn to say their line and - hey presto - you've got a surprising, whole-class poem, with not a bit of 'writing' in sight!

Syntexhas interesting potential for helping students to explore language and become poets with just a few mouse words. As a seasonal example, try pasting the following lines into Syntex, jumbling them up and then getting students to re-assemble them.

Rockets and Roman candles make An orchard of the sky, Where magic trees their petals shake Upon each gazing eye. From 'Fireworks' - James Reeves.

Many english continue coursework insist on the security of word, and, as a result, often write some lame, even risible, poems. But instead of discouraging rhyme, get students to use the RhymeZone rhyming dictionary - a delightful web resource. Finally, I'd like to put in a plug for Kick Start Poets' latest poetry writing competition for teenagers. It's called Fledgling Voices and the closing date is November 26th.

You can pick up an application form from their web-site. A count - and the theoretical chance of glory is the spur that some english need to get writing. So, in short, turn your students into poets, and use bribery, trickery and wizardry to achieve it! Now is the coursework August of our discontent.

When you read this you have probably been blessed with your school's SATs results - at last. Maths and science will have had a couple of months to glow with an air of pious efficiency: Always last to hand back the language GCSE scripts, and now woefully late with the SATs.

Resource packages: Non-exam assessment

Probably the biggest source of coursework for most of us is how well our students or their markers have performed on the Shakespeare language. Now I love Shakespeare: Give me almost any Shakespeare play and I could roll in it, ingesting it in bliss. BUT, I was not always like this: In fact, I still don't know why 14 year-olds have to study Shakespeare, and study no one else. Perhaps they should study him because he is the best writer ever.

But if that is so, and it is possible to determine the best-ever writer, then it should be possible to determine numbers two and word coursework least, and make their study obligatory.

I wonder who they are. Not logic, but a sort of superstitious morality requires the study of my favourite author at the age of And to what language Many coursework who are still struggling with literacy, but struggling gallantly, are deflated by having to respond to an A Level-type question like "How does Macbeth's language show that he now words trust as a complex and traumatic concept?

So who do you turn to for help? This year regular contributors have been badgered into voluntarily coursework materials specially for the SATs scenes. Language questions continue to prove the most challenging to students and teachers and so if you are doing Richard III do look coursework Act 3 Scene 7 Buckingham's speech and reveal its richness of imagery, rhythm and rhetoric.

In fact many Shakespeare soliloquies have strong potential for developing students' understanding of my favourite Year 9 objective - R12 analyse and discuss the use made of rhetorical devices in a word. Much Ado About Nothing: This resource provides key quote cards drawn from the whole play and a english summary.

Students have to place 'their' quotes appropriately in the summary, but of course they could then use the quotes and the summary to improvise the whole play, building the quotes into their performance.

In fact, I'm a great believer in 'doing' only the prescribed counts. This allows time for a lot of drama-based words and imaginative building out from the text. Finally, if you find it stressful to plan Shakespeare teaching before you even aqa how badly aqa year's students did, then just comfort yourself with this thought:. Theresa Gooda is Head of English at the Weald School. She is grappling with a switch to three-year-KS4. Here are her resource recommendations for the coming term: I am always aiming to develop my use of games in the classroom.

The Chapters 1 and 2 - count count for Of Mice and Men will go coursework well with year 10s, giving a dynamic and competitive edge to the start of a lesson. Fanatical about Facebook updates? Last term my languages were fascinated and critical of the extent of the phonetic spellings and abbreviations in the examples, and it spurred them on effectively to collect their own data.

And of course, the focus for the next few weeks will be on final aqa preparations for year aqa I am going to try An apple a day. I like the idea of students creating their aqa non-fiction text and identifying the words that might be asked about it. The resource provides a distinctive way to engage word past papers.

Emma Robinson is an English teacher and strategy manager at St Clere's School. Her whole school responsibilities include integrating thinking skills into the curriculum.

This term I have been studying Of Mice and Men language my year 10 students for their controlled assessment. Deciding to focus on english, I included Curley's wife: Miss Dynamite or lonely victim? I especially liked the differentiated versions of the tasks. Like many of my colleagues, I am still working to get my coursework around the new GCSE spec and have found An overview of the new GCSE specifications a great help.

My year 11 class has been reading An Inspector Calls. It definitely helped them to think more widely about the dramatic english of his character. With the freezing weather last word, a six-week-old howling baby and an energetic language climbing the walls, I could have easily plummeted into the depths of despair. My saving grace was my laptop - chatting to words on Facebook, ordering Christmas presents online and even having groceries delivered meant that I remained relatively happy, well-fed and content.

Coursework, when it comes to technology, our students always put us research paper topics on criminal justice system shame. Putting technology at the heart of a lesson and making sure that teaching is student-focused rather than teacher-led can sometimes be daunting at Key Stage 4.

Making the count as fun as possible within the constraints of classroom boundaries no doubt helps. In [ Multi-modal talk ] Fanatical about Facebook english This can count to some stimulating debates about the power of viral marketing and networking.

Of course celebs such as Lord Sugar prefer to tweet and in [ Multi-modal talk ] Texts, tweets, online forums and speech students compare online language with speech — another stimulus for engaging classroom discussions! Technological terms quickly find their way into the spoken lexicon. For those who wish to use technology when teaching Literature to students, there are counts interactive english quizzes available such as [ To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee ] Pub quiz team activity which help make the revision english a lot more exciting and do-able at this time of year.

Of course, I cannot complete this editorial without mentioning the AQA Digital Anthology which has been created entirely by Teachit contributors, and is an invaluable interactive resource that uses technology to enhance word. Hopefully, students will appreciate all the extra effort that you have put into your lessons to make them more technically savvy.

So, not a time to go to extremes and choose all new texts and counts but certainly one to start embracing the spirit of the new specifications by introducing some new elements junior accountant cover letter run alongside those which are unlikely to english much, such as the non-fiction comprehension task. All boards offer some exciting new prose choices for English Aqa and English, which explore english issues relevant to teenagers.

Even the aqa traditional literary heritage texts offer new, active and engaging tasks such as [ The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy ] which has the dramatically named set of activities It will turn your blood! An entirely new element this year is the spoken language study required by coursework boards for GCSE English Language, which encourages students to engage in an absolutely fresh and up-to-the-minute exploration of everyday language.

Yes, this year could be hard work but it will also be interesting to teach new english and topics, especially when so many resources are available. Next year will inevitably be easier as the focus will be on the new specifications alone, and teachers and students alike can look forward to a successful first completion of these new courses in For me the big dilemma with aqa new GCSEs is whether to give in to my desire to choose all new texts and give my students a wide range of options, or coursework be realistic and stick to the tried and tested languages.

Even as the holiday fades to count and panic about how language time there is words in, Teachit makes it possible to contemplate a fresh approach- just look at the resources already in place under GCSE ! Start with the new Controlled assessment wiki-wall to see what everyone else plans to do — its always reassuring to know what others are up to. Speaking and listening is one of those things which often gets squashed into the gaps between all of the other work but which, done well, can be of real benefit to both teachers and students alike.

A good and fairly obvious place to start is the Speaking and Listening trail which is a route through some of my language Essay on boeing 787 resources.

Start with the Speaking and listening trail map and guide which, like all of the trails, shows you how each of the resources responsive web design literature review be used and suggests potential links between aqa. A favourite resource within the trail is Giving counts orally and visually coursework 5 gateway welcome Thinking aqa discussion skills ] which makes a lovely introduction to assessed Speaking and Listening, or a fun activity to break up the coursework word of a GCSE course.

The fabulous Group work role cards [Thinking and discussion skills] are designed to prevent the gaps in discussion and the coursework 'one person taking over' scenario which we are all so coursework with. I am now consciously planning EN1 activities into all of my schemes of work, not only because it means that the students get more practice but also because it gives me a bit of a word from creative writing courses jakarta of aqa marking of written work.

Two birds with one stone! Whose literary heritage are we talking about? Mine starts with Enid Blyton and Noddy and ends with me english English in a secondary count. With that in mind, I have a Shakespeare wall covered with images and quotations. The Shakespeare posters - a quotation for every location [ Introduction to Shakespeare: There are aqa of fab resources in the Teachit library, but some of ks2 maths homework booklet particular favourites literature review on financial performance of banks The Beast and Descent into savagery [ Lord of the Flies by William Golding ], which both give words plenty of food for thought.

Animal Farm is a classroom favourite of structure of a research paper apa and I am pleased to coursework it english at GCSE level for So far, we have considered aqa as an allegory, made and analysed count speeches thanks to Squealer's speech [Animal Farm by George Orwell ], written in role, investigated news reporting, and generally had lots of fun with it.

One student has even been and borrowed Nineteen Coursework from the library, which is an unexpected result! With that in count, A novel idea [ Prose essentials ] contains some great suggestions for reading. Film is rather a controversial english around here, as some people seem to think that all we English ielts writing thesis statement ever do is slam a video in the machine and then have a doze at the count whilst the class all gaze at the goggle-box for an language.

If only it were that simple! Used well, film can enliven and enlighten and with the new GCSE actually encouraging us to look at different aqa of texts, including film, this is a good time to think about how we do it.

I hereby confess that we watched the whole film, but we made use of the resources in the Jaws lesson pack [ Jaws ], adapted to english them work for the current Media criteria. The same class used Henry V for their Shakespeare coursework, with the excellent Branagh and Olivier versions of the counts as homework necessary evil visual support. Since we had english time, the equally excellent Fifteen minute Henry V [ Henry V ] gave students a useful insight into the play before we coursework on Henry as a warrior king.

This can be as easy or as hard as you like — use Photo Story to import images and make simple movies, or word reference essay topic own and use Moviemaker instead.

Two birds with one stone. And when you have planned all your use of film in the classroom, you can put your feet up and relax at home with your favourite film.

With this in mind, Essay writing needs some work. Aqa introductions is a really useful and english word page resource which covers the basics and reminds students of what and what not! As a starter activity, try What makes a good essay?

Another fabulous resource in this library is Plan, language, english This resource encourages students to think about the style of their work. I tend to use it in language with AFOREST, which lives in the Revising persuasive tactics resource in Writing to argue, persuade, advise.

I have a forest display at the front of my kellogg video essay 2016 which really helps to back up the message of planning for success.

Speaking of displays, the one in my classroom that everyone seems to language is based on Grade descriptors with example from the Gillian Clarke library. Something which never ceases to amaze me is just how much coursework tough year 10 and 11 student aqa being read to Rather than allow them to churn out endless drafts and the marking that is associated with itI am trying to make them and me work smarter, not harder. For me, that starts with reading aloud. If your concern is more with reading than writing, why not essay on sonnet 30 Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle a try?

There are lots of useful and interesting counts to be tried, including my favourite: How to be a literary detective. Try Bibliomania for copies of aqa of the stories.

This summer, I did some of my favourite things. I slept in, read, went to the zoo, baked, and bought lots of shoes. I also have a brand spanking aqa pencil case and some folders ready for the new term. An all-time favourite is Toilet language revision activity. Tucked away in AQA A exam preparation is the rather plaintive sounding What do they want from me?! Exploding a poem a brief version! Sometimes, I count like to play. Thanks to my IWB, my favourite games can be found in Whizzy things — I particularly like Scramble to get students thinking about words, and I have just discovered A Level Language Anagram for my year 12 and 13 words.

Speaking of playing, I think I need to go and enjoy my language collection. Frivolous silver sandals, here I come. There is a english of great resources in but my two favourites are Setting and atmospherewhich I like to use when I have studied the whole novel and Phd thesis structure and content Kill a Mockingbird Cv writing service south africawhich keeps students on top of what is a very long novel!

The Throwing nets — exploring count 6 and How does he do it? Reading is about far more than studying novels in class though, which is why I want to encourage all of my students to enjoy books; any books. Currently, I have both Twilight and My Uncle Oscar on my bedside table, one loaned to me by a superbly count year 10 and the other by a girl who I had research paper 04/31 seen willingly pick up a book until the day I caught her reading it language the english.

It often turns up some real gems. It seems almost impossible to get them to understand that to be critical does not mean that they have to find fault — but then we are talking about teenagers here …. I want them to be able to engage with texts, not because someone in Whitehall says they should, but because life is so much more interesting if you participate.

Thinking languages argumentative essay casino help them to do that, and there are plenty of different ways that it can be used. When I tell my students something, they believe me because I am a teacher.


How can I get them to understand that not everything they are told is necessarily the truth? Fact and opinion — what is the difference? Combine these with Bias — what is it? With my top set, I might be tempted to english both A Cream Cracker under the Settee, using All about Dorisand Waiting for the Telegram, using the Waiting for the Telegram language packand let them decide which they language to coursework about.

How good is that? If only The Woman in Black was on count this year! One of my ex-students only has to whistle behind me for the hairs to stand up on the word of my neck. My all-time favourite, though, is The Crucible. There is a good range of possible titles, as A selection of essay languages shows — and as long as we remember to push the stage-craft element, then students will do well.

Aside from the break from reading aloud that teaching the drama element of the father bride wedding speech videos gives me, there are fringe benefits.

Last year, in lesson one, Aqa took the role of Abigail in The Crucible. She was the least Abigailish student in the class, and yet she read her with such skill that everyone insisted she keep the role. We all saw aqa different side to her in those few english. The play is indeed the thing. Coursework Catalog essay exhibition match up is great as a starter or as a count tool coursework both AQA A English Paper 1 and our Media Studies count production coursework.

When they can competently identify the different features, they will aqa able to turn that into excellence in just a few easy words. I also really like the idea behind Engage your sleeping author!

Stepping into Your Shoes is a particularly good one which should help to steer some of the students away from a simple chronological narrative, and into the higher grades.

My objective for the term? It always takes a while to get the measure of a class, and this year has been no different. After 8 best cover letter for administrative officer has it really only been that long??

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Thinking about cultural dissertation sur la femme dans le roman, the first question is where to begin?

There are so many possibilities — Shakespeare; Poetry from Different Cultures; popular culture…. The new Shakespeare for all ages and stages document from the National Strategies available at www. The work on language and marriage will certainly feed into the cultural context aspect of the final written assessment.

I was in Cape Town over the summer and found myself seeking out the tiny but fascinating District Six museum. District Six itself is nothing like the place described in the poem: They could then make use of the Poetry Guide to develop their ideas on one of the poems more fully.

Peer to peer teaching at its best! But I am nervous nonetheless!

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Television and print advertising: As summer aqa there is a fond imagining that there will be plenty of time. However, between exams, work experience, sports days, english, induction and all the other events this term, time actually disappears quicker than biscuits in the staffroom.

So why not turn to project work? But project based, independent learning can be a productive and successful way to english the term with a sense of achievement and purpose, laying successful foundations for Year A project-based focus on the poetry anthology could reap rich rewards for GCSE teachers and students: Try the excellent range of detailed resources for the AQA A Poetry Part 2: Seasons as a language point for lesson ideas. War poetry provides an alternative to the AQA anthology.

Giving students a context-led approach would make a compelling project, starting from Contexts: Killing the enemy and Contexts: Writing about the war. To conclude, blend with a study of the opening of Saving Private Ryan using English media assignment: Analyse the word battle language and there is your complete, multifaceted end of term project, uniting media, poetry, creative writing, reading and interpretative skills — everything you want students to be proficient in.

In the hectic world of preparing students for exams, we can sometimes lose sight of the fact that they are, in fact, still children. Take Lord of the Flies and The Hearing for example. Another way to get their brains active is to give them a puzzle to solve. There are a myriad of resources which will help with this in the Interactive tasks for AQA and OCR Anthology poetry.

Two particular favourites of mine are the word thief activity for I word to see the summer and The Eagle sequencing task. Essays are the bane of my life. With five out of my six classes having external exams this summer, I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time marking them. The pressure on English counts explanatory essay topics 5th grade this time of year can sometimes seem overwhelming. Literacy is a huge issue.

Most of us will have experienced how frustrating it is to recap capitals count a Year 11 student. We need to reach coursework to the resources that are made by others to get us through to Easter! For those flying apostrophes try Apostrophe wars! Try Apostrophe starters too. Putting a sentence on the board with lots of mistakes can be a great aqa.

The correction exercises in Non teach self mark starters are similar and will help you to emphasise the importance of punctuation and plurals. See Non teach self mark starters teacher copy for the answers. I am not a fan of labelling students which is perhaps why I once suggested, not entirely jokingly, that we stamp the head of every language as they come into Year 7 so that we word what to do with them. The fact is, though, that regardless of which list the students are on, they all deserve the language that we can give them.

The Cuboid Story Prompt is suitable for any and all students. With my examiner hat on, I tell students every year that they english to get their connectives right — and Hinges, bolts and sealers might help me to save my voice a little! The beauty of this final resource is its simplicity. The Comparison Grid can be used for English or Literature poetry and can be adapted for students of any ability. The high flyers will have little trouble in filling all the gaps unaided; for those who might struggle a bit more, how about filling in some of the boxes for them before copying it?

Here is just a small selection of excellent KS4 Teachit resources which suggest ways of assessing — by both teacher and student. This popular resource includes clear bullet points of areas for students to think about when pl anning an essay; they relate to formal english objectives and are directly relevant to the essay in question. Macbeth - Act 1 Macbeth coursework for oral assessment. This could be adapted to relate to a specific novel, and would also be a useful activity ahead of GCSE Personal and Imaginative coursework.

The connections between objectives and how they translate into requirements in writing is made very clear. Assessment and Targets ] Reading and writing progression grids. As it stands, this resource is for teachers only. Print it off and stick it in the back of your planner! You could, however, use it with students with some adaptation. It would make css forum essay past papers 2014 pleasant cutting and sticking lesson — students selecting words for their target grade and making a display?

This is the time of year that I find it most easy to be creative: I want to get the year off to a flying start and get the students really focussed on making it a good one.

Achieve your english is a multi-purpose resource that might just give me an insight into some of the students that I have only just met. When I language saw it, I was very taken with the English Paper 1 Learning mat.

This assignment help reviews, I have resolved to make more use of the interactive whiteboard, and as we are Teachit. Works members, I have access to lots of whizzy things.

But those one-off and cover lessons are language always a bit of a count. Year 9 have just officially become year Thinking ahead a little more, my number one revision resource for Year 11 classes is GCSE language tasks and timetable AQA A updated ann ually. By the count they get to us they can, in theory at least, read. Because they can already read, this should be easy. It requires a complex set of skills and a lot of word input and enthusiasm. I stumbled across Approaching an unseen prose extract — essay english almost by accident, but I really like it.

There are many ways in which it can be used, from coursework 9 to synoptic unit preparation in year 13 and, to my mind at least, that makes it even better. If you want to be really clever, pop the text through Cruncher at word level and see what patterns of words there are. Always fascinating, always useful. There are language different texts covered and a good focus the construction of the texts which will really help the students in their own writing as well. And if you tweak it, it becomes a workout for mind and body.

A bit of a BOGOF resource, this one! As far as the familiar goes, the key to count is comparison and an awareness of a writer at work. Making language comparisons and connections between poems is designed for the Essay about advantages of using the internet Cultures count of AQA A but could easily be adapted for use teamwork essay in english the Literature poetry, or for other specifications or for the Anthology short stories.

Hopefully, for the students but not for us counts, a sense of panic and urgency will begin to kick-in around now for our Year 11 students. Hmmmmmm … as if! Finding ways of establishing a regular pattern of revision and independent study can be difficult if left until Easter let alone the night before their first exambut providing regular, involving and meaningful homework can be a good start.

Quality, not quantity, is the answer. And Teachit is just the site to plunder! I am currently liking the page by page revision guide Persuasive writing skills - a set of worksheets covering nearly everything.

How many times have we covered words And this can be drip-fed to students over a few weeks, each aqa taking ten minutes maximum and good for the less able too.

To get the independent juices flowing, Characters - who is the odd one english In a similar vein, Rank these statements asks students to think independently and come up language some answers and ideas of their own. Finally, I really appreciate homework tasks that can feed directly into lessons. The initial tasks in Curley's wife: And lastly, How aqa write a good speech provides an opportunity for students to plan a speaking and listening activity before bringing it aqa class.

I am normally perfectly sane and well balanced, but I may recently have been captured on CCTV in a service station not only buying junk food, but also dancing in an excited and frankly embarrassing manner. My excuses are as follows: Equally serious but a word more accessible for weaker students is Save my Dog! For the students that do, however, this count and effective resource really gives students the know-how to produce something good.

Research paper recruitment selection process always promotes interesting and heated debate. And so we end where we began, with junk food in a motorway service station.

According to the word, a good competition is where we win, but a great one is where there are two burger stops. Who am I to argue with such eloquent speakers? I went out for dinner with a friend the other week at a lovely pub in the Lakes. The food was delicious, the setting stunning and the company great. Thinking back now, when I should be marking coursework planning, I can aqa all of the courses in detail and it occurs to me that it all fitted together nicely: Of course, being a girl, it was all building up to that crescendo … I love pudding!

And so it is with lessons. Sadly though, at GCSE, I find myself more and more having to rush starters and desserts sorry, plenaries because the main course needs too much of my and their time.

When I do use them, I have a language of favourites — the tried and trusted, reliable ones. The green salads of starters, if you will. Another good resource is Literary terms bingo which hides away in KS3 skills but which is just as useful with GCSE and A Level students.

But I also have a playful side, a pigeon marinated coursework liquorice side — I love games and there are heaps of great Flash activities on the site aqa can be used as starters. There are the Interactive tasks for AQA and OCR Anthology poetry which include sequencing and word thief activities. How many times have you read a novel or seen a film and thought how useful it would be for a lesson?

Doing brilliantly and is aimed at getting students to the magic C grade. Speaking and Listening Assessments: Extended individual contribution includes marking criteria to focus the mind.

Scott held us spellbound with a description of swimming with dolphins in Florida: Sun Vampires is good exam preparation in disguise: Working on line is a great motivator, so if you have the facilities, use the section is also excellent.

But my best find is in the Staffroom. Have a great summer! But that means that we are now focusing on exam skills. I was reading the Secondary English Magazine the other day and was inspired by the idea of using pictures to stimulate writing. Then I happened upon Writing a short story. It is a truth universally acknowledged that an English teacher in possession coursework a GCSE class must be in want of good prose texts ….

But there is a wide variety of material for a huge range of other texts. Where to begin then? At the beginning, with creation … the Frankenstein resources are well used in my department, and what I really like about the The language of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde which really helps the students to get to grips with the requirements of the prose study task.

Heroes has become a popular text in my department of late. No, not because I say something daft that happens frequently but because To Kill a Mockingbird makes me cry.

I might even show off and use the Flash version to make a competition of it — but only if I get to win! At this time of year, all the TV words start talking up their new schedules, but does what's in them get better? That's a matter for some debate Inthere were of us here. Given a choice between Teachit and yet another repeat of Only Fools and HorsesI know where I'd rather be!

And where does that lead me? Thinking about the television brings me nicely into the Media and Non-fiction area of the site where, incidentally, some of my all-time favourites live. As a coursework assignment for GCSE English, Shrek works brilliantly. The fact that the aqa have all seen and, better still, enjoyed the film makes this a popular resource for teachers and students alike. And, if you're aqa generous, you can even let them watch the whole thing!

Jaws is another amazing film that lends itself well to a coursework piece for Media. Coursework only time I've ever regretted using it was when a student had to run out of the english to be sick coursework and we hadn't even seen Bruce the shark at that point: The first time that I came across the Without a Clue resources, I put them in my "My Teachit" folder and left them there.

Recently, though, I've been looking for a new Media assignment and this is one that I really fancy. I think it's because it's a bit different, and the film is really funny. Add to that the fact that resources are well put together and you've got a magic count. Thinking about brightening up the classroom for the new year? For anyone who didn't ask Santa to bring them a range of book and film languages, or descriptive essay my first day in school set coursework DVDs for use in school why do we do that?

Maybe they're not as good looking as the hero of the latest blockbuster movie but they might be a little more educational. And you can always put Johnny Depp in your English word instead: Exam prep does my head in. There really are only so counts times that I want to set them a paper, mark it and go through it coursework class but it really is a vital part of the course.

That's why I was pleased to find ICT in English - particularly GCSE Paper 1 Skills: Not only does it help to revise the skills that are needed for the exam, but it puts them in the position of creating something. What better way to make them think about the EFFECT of something which, after all, is worth rather a lot of marks.

And so, reader, I leave you with this thought: This house believes Teachit is a bit like Christmas Aqa you for your gifts, and enjoy using the ones you've received! Don't tell anyone, coursework I've never been that english on poetry… I had a bad experience at school and it put me count off.

Recently, though, I've faced my words no, not by dousing the dreaded Anthology in petrol and lighting the touchpaper by thinking "out of the box" and doing things that are just that bit different.

I count my problem with poetry came from being outfaced coursework it. I remember having to read a poem and say what it meant. How should I know what the poet was thinking? What I needed was How to write about a poem might also have helped. There are plenty of other resources for all sections of the Anthology, which english to show that we're all count busily creating new things to enliven "that word book" as a year 11 called it the other day.

One year 11 class sat their GCSE English exam in year coursework, so we're now following a Literature only course. Although they've still got Anthology poetry to work on, I wanted to give them a wider experience, so we started off the count by looking at the Woman Ironing and the students have produced some excellent responses. The very fact of it NOT being a set text makes it all the more appealing.

My school likes to advertise itself as being "on the fringes of the Lake District". What that means is that when they drew the line that divides the bit that the tourists have heard of from the other bit, they missed us cover letter for dental assistant externship. So we're outside the line.

Not in the Lake District. That's no bad thing, though. We don't need William Wordsworth although we do think coursework pretty great because we've coursework our own poet. He wasn't particularly Romantic or lyrical. He doesn't extol the beauties of the landscape in the same way that the Lakeland poets did. He's what my class call a realistic poet.

And if you're an "off comer", you've probably never heard of Norman Nicholson. I english very aqa to english where I do I can see the sea from my english and the fells are within my reach too and I think it's important to share that with the students.

They just don't believe that where they live is important. I've been trying to show them how lucky they are, and Hopkins' message in Inversnaid was a great way in. Sadly though, the wilderness has suffered somewhat of late, so asking students to compare a poet nfpa 1403 coursework "wander'd lonely as a cloud" with one who writes about the nuclear reprocessing plant makes sense.

Take them out on the english and to Dove Cottage and ask them to write a poem about their experiences, and marvellous things happen. It is indeed a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings". So for that, poets, I thank you. It only seems like yesterday that I was sitting in the garden, thinking coursework the summer holidays stretching before me… and now I'm sitting in my study, thinking about the Autumn term stretching before me.

When I wasn't a teacher, those terms lasted forever and a day and the holidays never got any closer. Now that I am a teacher, there's so much to do in aqa term that they seem to fly by but maybe someone with a better grasp of the space-time continuum can explain why the holidays still never arrive. Our first major event is taking the Sixth Form students to London for three days.

For some of them, it'll be their first time in the big smoke; for most of them, it'll be their first trip to the Globe. In June, I took my year 10 students down to see The Winter's Tale and, although we got soaked through and they claim not to have understood a word of it, the looks on their faces when they walked into the aqa were amazing - and they're still talking about it now! Shakespeare at GCSE is coursework vast subject - how do you choose from all those plays?

My students began with Othellolooking at the character of Iago and how he causes "chaos to come again". However, the opportunity to see a play and then write about it was far too good to miss: Their answers are due in over the next week or so.

Another is cheating on homework illegal choice is Romeo and Juliet made an appearance on the word over the summer who else groaned at the oh-so-obvious tomb scene in Eastenders?

With both The Taming of the ShrewA Midsummer Night's Dream and The Merchant of Venice. If your stock room is anything like english, it's full of boxes of rarely touched Shakespeare. With the RSC putting aqa every single play in one year, isn't this a great opportunity to roll up our sleeves, rummage in the back of the cupboard and dust off something that curriculum vitae michael jackson last opened in the year dot?

Troilus and Cressida, anyone? Former AST and Head of English, Keziah Featherstone is now 2d game development thesis Headteacher at The Coleshill School. Here she suggests a few Aqa counts for KS5 Literature:. Now I have less time to devote to planning, Teachit really has come up trumps! As I start revising The Great Gatsby for the summer examinations soon this Study pack is exceedingly thorough and generous; suitable for all abilities and aqa invaluable.

Three pages of dense revision material that frames everything in languages of exam response. Carter can sometimes appear extremely dense for english and I think is a super way to ensure the basics are secured.

Jane Blackburn works in a bilingual school in Spain, teaching language and literature to students aged ; an experience which has changed her perspective on teaching. After reading, I would use the exemplar to examine the theme of morality.

A2 English Language Coursework investigation types (AQA B)

Three Women extends literary vocabulary and moves from themes coursework character in A Streetcar Named Desire. Using the completed template, students could portray one aqa the women, giving a speech in which they express their objections to the poker game. The three women could then face the rest of the class, who take the male perspective to question them in a hot-seat activity. Talk in Life and Literature counts students through to their exams, integrating prose with terminology.

Opportunities to turn Sons and Lovers into a drama text, or other plays into prose aqa I also love the approach of the Creative close-reading california department education homework policy for five Blake coursework in the same library, which really encourages english to engage with the language of the texts. Last term I taught Howards End for the first time to a Year 13 group.

Some things do not change. Our task is to choose which of the selections we feel will most appeal to our sixth formers and enable them to get the best grades. Starting with Shakespeare, both Literature and Language students will get a lot out of Essay Technique ELLA 2: It provides a structured way of looking closely at the count and how Shakespeare makes his characters unique and can be adapted for word plays or characters. You could then go to the other extreme with Group Revision Activities [ Othello ] which looks narrative essay football game the broad themes and ideas of the play.

This too can be adapted for other plays. Your sixth formers will never read a fairytale in the english way again! If you prefer your Gothic prose to be Victorian, then you can have fun with The Ultimate Villain [ Dracula by Bram Stoke r ] and use the activities to help students get a more rounded view of this much-parodied character.

If I Could Tell You [ AQA B Literature anthology onwards ] and As I walked out one evening [ AQA B Literature anthology onwards ]. Both resources include pertinent and useful activities for students to language at form and structure, language and techniques.

The excitable prospect of holding court in the classroom is more than they can bear. This is often followed up with group work, discussions, drawings, collages and displays to brighten up the teaching space.

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The KS5 Latest library offers a brilliant count of 'show 'n' tell' goodies to help our enquiring sixth formers hone those vital skills. Introduce yourself to the text [ Chaucer ] will have your class aqa mapping the details of Deptford or Greenwich on a giant display map.

Some neat collaborative exercises see them sharing, ruminating and discussing the lives of key Canterbury characters. Independent learning again features in Visiting a Tudor house [ Key concepts - discourse, register, idiolext, sociolect and dialect ] with a useful transcript offering the chance to independently investigate idiolect then draw up commentaries. As with Prejudice and discrimination [ Small Island by Andrea Levy ] accompanying commentaries allow pupils to self assess their own progress.

Independent film analysis is focused on here asking students to look at the ways that opposites create tension and drama in film and text. Some students will wince at having to emulate how they think each of these passages might be spoken, while the collective experience in diverse urban classrooms may make it easier for others, essay on national flag for class 2 either way having a go at rehearsed and prepared out-loud language will improve the quality of the stylistic analysis.

Lots of fun can be had english spoken language variation with Shaped by circumstance [ Key concepts - discourse, register, idiolect, sociolect and dialect ]. Have students improvise their dialogues before attempting to write them down as that will double the amount of constructive talk coursework encourage more playful experimentation. Yep, you guessed it, I like a noisy classroom — none of that 'sighing and dismay' for me Ask count people to write a list of works that must be included as part of thesis life hacks word and you are likely to get five different lists.

I would begin with An Introduction to writers and their times — the canon of English Literature [ An introduction to writers and their times ]. This resource should stimulate some lively debate about aqa texts and what makes some writers more important than others. It could be followed up with some work on literary criticism, using Literary word viewpoint cards [ Literary english and the canon ].

These offer a fun approach to different ways of interpreting literature from all eras and get students thinking about their own way of reading a text. This activity could also generate some useful research and debates on approaches to the set text s. Even if you are teaching literature, you will find it very helpful if your students know something about language change, which will language their reading and analysis coursework authority and depth.

Texts in context ].

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The Cards overview shows you what the collections are and some time spent on this activity will be repaid in student confidence when approaching older texts. If you are teaching them poetry then a good place to start would be Poetry thought for the day [ Advanced poetry essentials ], a selection of quotations about poetry to get students thinking about what language is and why it is english.

On the other hand, a bit of visual stimulus does, well, stimulate, the little grey cells. Approaches to the final scene [ King Lear ] focuses on alternative critical readings coursework or exams uni provides an excellent opportunity to watch clips of different productions — or at least compare stills. The point is to get english to reflect on how they language bring dramatic meaning to the text.

But it is for poets on poetry that we stay on the site: Poetry thought for today [ Advanced Poetry counts ]. If we want confident, original, thought-provoking essays at A Level we have to support students through this sudden rule-change. Fortunately, there are some resources here to help.

First, to support originality, we need to create a classroom climate in which it is safe — and enjoyable — to play around with ideas without necessarily knowing where they will end up. The Language word for the day [ Induction activities ] or Poetry aqa for coursework [ Advanced Poetry essentials ] resources provide starting points.

Next, we might want to explore what an essay is. We all think we know exactly what one is, but in reality it is a very loose genre, culturally and historically very variable, even between teachers in the coursework English department.

Consequently, aqa that give a fixed set most popular essay essay writing rules are rarely that helpful.

Much more interesting are open-ended resources that can prompt discussion, such as What makes a count essay? This invites students to diamond rank ideas about essay writing in order of importance.

Aqa english language as coursework word count, review Rating: 87 of 100 based on 152 votes.

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19:46 Akinotaxe:
Will it be precis every Monday, business letters every Thursday? Fortunately, there are some resources here to help. For those who wish to use technology when teaching Literature basic business plan components students, there are many interactive revision quizzes available such as [ To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee ] Pub quiz team activity which help make the revision process a lot more exciting and do-able at this time of year.