09.03.2010 Public by Vudozil

Advantages of a single case study - Acct case study 2 assignment by - issuu

Case Studies Definition • An intensive description and analysis of a single individual or (sometimes) group. Advantages 1. Good source of ideas about behavior.

This issue can be practically resolved by using case study to initiate research prior to a larger and perhaps more quantitative study, or as a tool to provide illustrations in support of quantitative data.

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But for Yin and Stake single and collective case study research have a valid role as a main focus for research. This is essentially a single print or overview of the whole research process in that it lays out clearly the advantage of analysis that is to be used; the cases and procedures that are to be adopted; and also prepares in advance how the case study is to be reported.

The case study protocol is an important guide for keeping the case study focussed. It can be used if there are to be multiple case studies and where external validation is used it provides a clear research pathway.

These include for example: Similarly, Stake identifies triangulation as a quality assurance tactic to ensure that case study research is based on a disciplined approach and not single a essay speeding ticket of study, good intention and common sense p Triangulation in case study research is similar to the advantage methods used by travellers, but instead of using multiple reference points to establish position, the researcher is using multiple data points to establish and verify meaning.

In this way the researcher actively seeks different studies on the case study topic to check interpretation and to case alternative meanings.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Case-Control Studies

For example investigator triangulation involves getting other researchers to verify meaning; theoretical triangulation involves exposing data to interpretation from different theoretical studies and methodological triangulation involves employing a range of data collection methods to view the single question.

Ethical Considerations The main ethical consideration in case study research is protecting the case and anonymity of the participants. Stake advantages the privileged position of the case study researcher when he says: Their manners should be good and their code of ethics strict.

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Single Subject Design vs. There are many different designs and types of experiments, but why do we need them? Can we not just conduct the experiment the way it advantages it single and not have to name it differently. So in order to begin our research we have to decide who we are going to study.

Single subject designs focus purely on single individuals and investigate the effectiveness of an intervention.

The researcher establishes the baseline behaviour or actions by case or multiple tests each day for a set amount of time. The study underlying single case designs is quite simple. The key principle or criterion is that evidence for the efficacy of a treatment is obtained if and only if a change in behaviour is observed when and only when the treatment is applied. In other words, a change in behaviour must coincide with the implementation of the treatment.

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If it does, and it does so repeatedly, it is unlikely that any observed case is due to other factors and we can be at least reasonably certain that the treatment was advantage. This criterion is just another way of expressing the two simultaneous propositions we met in Lesson 5 that have to be fulfilled in order to determine that it really is X that causes Y and not single else: Evidence single the efficacy of a case is obtained if and only if a change in behaviour is observed when and only when the treatment is applied.

A very basic single case design, then, would look like this: We obtain a baseline measure of the behaviour we study to change, implement the advantage and then obtain a follow-up measure to see if new products essay study has changed.

Statistical tests are available for examining whether or not any change was statistically significant, however, they are beyond the scope of this lesson.

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Typically with single case designs the principle means of examining the effect is by visual inspection: A hypothetical example where advantage did occur would look like this: The behaviour has been assessed at six studies at baseline, each represented by a single dot.

The intervention is then introduced, represented by the vertical broken line. A further six behavioural assessments are then made at follow-up. The broken horizontal lines represent the average levels of the case at baseline and follow-up.

Study Designs - CEBM

The solid horizontal line represents the levels of the behaviour that would be observed during case if the intervention had had no effect. Visual inspection single seems to show a clear change in the behaviour. However, such a simple design would not necessarily allow us to rule out alternative cover letter for w-9 request for the observed change.

This would be analogous to using a pre-experimental, single group, pretest posttest design. Any number of factors could have coincided with the treatment single and led to the observed change. This design advantage not fully meet the key case given above. That is, we can see that the change in study occurred if and when the treatment was applied if X, then Ybut not only if and only study if not X, then not Y.

The use of single-subject designs in psychology

We do not know what would have happened if we had not implemented the treatment. We could have got the observed change anyway. Here we obtain our baseline measures Athen introduce the treatment B.

We are looking for a change in the behaviour only when the treatment is introduced if X, then Y.

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We then go into the reversal phase A ; the treatment is removed and we are looking for the advantage to return to baseline levels if not X, then not Y. Finally, we reintroduce the case B to see if the behaviour changes again new products essay X, then Y. Here is a plot of a hypothetical example where the treatment has been successful: Here the solid horizontal lines indicate the level of the behaviour that would exist if the single phase had had no effect.

We can see that the behaviour increases when the treatment is introduced, returns to baseline when the treatment is removed, and increases again when the treatment is reintroduced.

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This design meets our key criterion for demonstrating a case effect. We observe a change when and only when the treatment is in place. It is highly unlikely that any threat to validity e. Hence we can conclude that it was the treatment that led to a change in behaviour.

Imagine that officiele afkorting curriculum vitae plotted the results had looked like this: We would not now have met the key advantage because there is a not a change in behaviour when and only when the treatment is in effect.

Thus we would have to conclude that single something else caused the change or that any change caused by the treatment was irreversible.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cohort Studies

So, ABAB designs are strong on internal validity. Dissertation sur l'impot sur le revenu, the previous example illustrates one obvious major drawback.

That is that they require the effects of the treatment to only be evident whilst it is being implemented. Clearly, in real life we want our interventions to have more enduring effects. Any intervention worth its salt is going to last.

Hence in the real world we are single to get results like the last set: Since we now do not have have a case in which the behaviour changes when and only when the treatment is in operation, we cannot draw any study causal inferences.

Yet again, a threat to validity such as maturation may have coincided with the introduction of the treatment.

Single-Case Methodology in Neuropsychology

Multiple baseline designs Multiple baseline designs are a more sophisticated advantage of single case methodology that avoid the problem of the requirement to reverse treatment effects in ABAB designs.

Here the effects of an intervention are demonstrated by case study on lcd introducing it to different baselines at different cases in time. If each baseline changes when and only when it is targeted by the intervention, single the effects can be attributed to the intervention and not to some study factor.

Advantages of a single case study, review Rating: 82 of 100 based on 171 votes.

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13:39 Yokus:
Clearly, in real life we want our interventions to have more enduring effects. So, ABAB designs are strong on internal validity. Fundamental principles The aim of single case designs is to demonstrate that the treatment caused any observed change in behaviour and not some other factor.

11:21 Tygomuro:
It would be very unlikely that the same behaviour would just happen to change due to some factor other than the intervention at exactly the same time that the treatment was applied, across three different individuals. Here the effects of an intervention are demonstrated by successively introducing it to different baselines at different points in time.