Citalopram may be used with or without food. Use only if prescribed to you and intended for your use. Do not share with others.
Missed Dose It is common for people to forget their dosage times and miss doses. Do not panic if you have missed a dose. Instead, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time.
Do not double up or take more than what the doctor has prescribed. The medicine label contains detailed instructions regarding safe storage of the medication.
Most medicines are best stored at room temperature between 15 and 30 degrees C 59 and 86 degrees F. Some medications may require to be refrigerated. Please check the product label.
Keep it away from the reach of children. It acts by recovering the balance of serotonin, a natural chemical in the brain which helps to solve different mood problems.
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If you experience any side effects you must seek medical attention immediately for safety. You should follow the instructions of the doctor who prescribed Celexa to you.
Directions and dosage information can also be found on the pack or leaflet inside the pack, can you buy celexa online.
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Its effects are based on affecting the chemicals in the brain that can become imbalanced for any reason, and restoring that balance.
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