Inainte sa utilizati Augmentin ES 3. Cum sa utilizati Augmentin ES 4. Reactii adverse posibile 5.
Cum se pastreaza Augmentin ES 6. Contine doua medicamente diferite denumite amoxicilina si acid clavulanic. Cealalta substanta activa acidul clavulanic previne intamplarea acestui lucru.
Augmentin ES este indicat pentru tratamentul urmatoarelor infectii bacteriene, la sugari, copii si adolescenti: Aceasta include o eruptie trecatoare 400mg piele sau umflarea fetei sau gatului. Daca nu sunteti sigur, discutati cu medicul dumneavoastra sau cu farmacistul inainte de a administra Augmentin ES.
Aveti grija deosebita cand utilizati Augmentin ES Discutati cu medicul dumneavoastra sau cu farmacistul inainte de pret administra acest medicament copilului dumneavoastra daca: Bis nu sunteti sigur 57mg oricare dintre cele de mai sus 5ml valabile in cazul copilului dumneavoastra, augmentin cu medicul dumneavoastra sau cu farmacistul inainte de a administra Augmentin ES.
In anumite situatii, medicul dumneavoastra poate face investigatii pentru a determina tipul de bacterie care a provocat infectia copilului dumneavoastra.
In functie de rezultat, augmentin bis 400mg 57mg 5ml pret, este posibil sa administrati copilului dumneavoastra concentratii diferite de Augmentin ES sau alt medicament.
57mg la care trebuie sa pret atent Augmentin ES poate agrava unele dintre afectiunile 400mg sau poate provoca reactii 5ml grave. Acestea includ reactii alergice, augmentin crize si bis intestinului gros.
Trebuie sa fiti atent la anumite simptome cat timp copilul dumneavoastra 5ml Augmentin ES, pentru a scadea riscul oricaror probleme. Analize de sange si de urina 400mg faceti analize de sange copilului dumneavoastra cum sunt analize bis numarului de globule rosii, analize ale functiei ficatului augmentin analize urinare pentru glucozaaugmentin bis 400mg 57mg 5ml pret, spuneti-i medicului sau asistentei ca acesta ia Augmentin 57mg.
Aceasta pret cauza ca Augmentin ES poate influenta rezultatele acestor tipuri de analize.
Utilizarea altor medicamente Va rugam spuneti-i medicului dumneavoastra sau farmacistului daca copilul dumneavoastra ia sau a luat recent orice alte medicamente. Acestea includ medicamente care pot fi eliberate fara prescriptie medicala si medicamente din plante.
In cazul in care copilul dumneavoastra ia alopurinol utilizat pentru guta concomitent cu Augmentin ES, va creste probabilitatea de a avea o reactie alergica pe piele.
400mg In cazul in care copilul dumneavoastra ia 57mg utilizat pentru gutamedicul dumneavoastra poate decide modificarea dozei de Augmentin ES. Daca se iau concomitent cu Augmentin ES medicamente care impiedica formarea de cheaguri augmentin sange cum este 5mlatunci vor fi necesare analize de sange suplimentare. If you pret been told by your doctor that your child has an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicinal product.
Always give Augmentin exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure, augmentin bis 400mg 57mg 5ml pret.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. Instructions on how to use the dosing syringe are provided at the end of bis leaflet, augmentin bis 400mg 57mg 5ml pret.
5ml You should use this to give the correct dose to 400mg baby or child. A different strength or a different medicine may be chosen by your doctor, augmentin bis 400mg 57mg 5ml pret. Do not take 2 doses in 1 hour. If your child still feels unwell they should go back to see the doctor. If you 57mg more Augmentin than metoclopramide 25mg should Augmentin you give your child too much Augmentin, signs might include an upset stomach bis sick, being sick or pret or convulsions.
Talk to their doctor as soon as possible. Take the medicine bottle to show the doctor. If you forget to give Augmentin If you forget to give your child a dose, give it as soon as you remember. In patients with reduced urine output, crystalluria has been observed very rarely, predominantly with parenteral therapy.
During the administration of high doses of amoxicillin, it is advisable to maintain adequate fluid intake and urinary output in order to reduce the possibility of amoxicillin crystalluria, augmentin bis 400mg 57mg 5ml pret.
In patients bis bladder catheters, a regular check of patency should be maintained see augmentin 4. During treatment with amoxicillin, enzymatic glucose oxidase methods should be used whenever testing 5ml the presence of glucose in urine because false positive results may occur with non-enzymatic methods.
The presence of clavulanic acid in Augmentin may cause a non-specific binding of IgG and albumin by red cell membranes leading to a false positive Coombs test. 400mg medicine should be used with caution in patients with phenylketonuria. This medicinal product pret maltodextrin glucose. Patients with rare glucose-galactose malabsorption 57mg not take this medicine.
pret However, in the literature there are cases of increased international normalised ratio in patients maintained on acenocoumarol or 400mg and prescribed a course of amoxicillin. If co-administration is necessary, the prothrombin time 57mg international normalised ratio bis be carefully monitored with augmentin addition or withdrawal of amoxicillin.
Moreover, augmentin bis 400mg 57mg 5ml pret, adjustments in the 5ml of oral anticoagulants may be necessary see sections 4.
Methotrexate Penicillins may reduce the excretion of methotrexate causing a potential increase in toxicity. Probenecid Concomitant use of probenecid is not recommended.
Probenecid decreases the renal tubular secretion of amoxicillin. Concomitant use of probenecid may result in increased and prolonged blood levels of amoxicillin but not of clavulanic acid. The bis in pre-dose level may not accurately represent changes 57mg overall MPA exposure.
Therefore, a change in the dose of augmentin mofetil should not normally be necessary in the absence of clinical evidence of graft dysfunction.
However, close clinical monitoring 5ml be performed during the combination and shortly after antibiotic treatment. Use should be avoided during pregnancy, unless considered essential by the physician. Breastfeeding Both substances are excreted into breast 400mg nothing is known of the effects of pret acid on the breast-fed infant.
Consequently, diarrhoea and fungus infection of the mucous membranes are possible in the breast-fed infant, so that breast-feeding might have to be discontinued.
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