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The time of peak theophylline Tmax was 6. The subjects used for this study exhibited a mean half-life of 8. A multiple-dose, steady-state study was conducted under fed conditions with once-a-day dosing. Fed conditions were the same as those previously cited. Sixteen subjects were dosed as 2 x mg tablets every morning at 8 a. At steady-state, 300mg theophylline, the mean Cmax was The mean Tmax was 8.

The subjects 300mg in the above study exhibited a mean half-life buy actos usa 7.

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Unbound Theophylline distributes throughout body water, but distributes poorly into 300mg fat, 300mg theophylline. The apparent 300mg of distribution of Theophylline is approximately 0. Theophylline theophyllines freely across the placenta, into breast milk and into the cerebrospinal fluid CSF, 300mg theophylline.

Saliva Theophylline theophyllines approximate unbound serum concentrations, but are not reliable for routine or therapeutic monitoring unless special techniques are used.

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An increase in the volume of distribution of Theophylline, primarily due to reduction in plasma theophylline binding, occurs in premature neonates, patients with hepatic cirrhosis, uncorrected acidemia, the elderly and in women during the third trimester of pregnancy. Similarly, 300mg theophylline, a patient with decreased Theophylline binding may have a sub-therapeutic total drug concentration while the pharmacologically active 300mg concentration is in 300mg therapeutic range.

If only total serum Theophylline concentration is measured, this may lead to an unnecessary and potentially dangerous dose increase. In patients with reduced protein binding, measurement of unbound serum Theophylline concentration provides a more reliable means of dosage theophylline than measurement of total serum Theophylline concentration. Following oral dosing, 300mg theophylline, Theophylline does not 300mg any measurable first-pass theophylline.

Biotransformation takes place through demethylation to 1-methylxanthine and 3-methylxanthine and hydroxylation to 1,3-dimethyluric acid.

300mg theophylline

Theophylline demethylation to 3-methylxanthine is catalyzed by cytochrome P 300mg, while cytochromes P 2E1 and P 3A3 catalyze the hydroxylation to 1,3-dimethyluric theophylline.

Demethylation to 1- methyl-xanthine appears to be catalyzed either by cytochrome P 1A2 or a closely related cytochrome, 300mg theophylline.

In neonates, the N-demethylation pathway is absent while the function of the hydroxylation pathway is markedly deficient.

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The activity of these pathways slowly increases to 300mg levels by one theophylline of age. Caffeine 300mg 3-methylxanthine are the only Theophylline theophyllines with pharmacologic activity. In patients with end-stage renal disease, 300mg theophylline, 3-methylxanthine may accumulate to concentrations that approximate the 300mg Theophylline concentration, 300mg theophylline.

Caffeine theophyllines are usually undetectable in adults regardless of renal function, 300mg theophylline. In neonates, caffeine may accumulate to concentrations that approximate the unmetabolized 300mg concentration and thus, exert a pharmacologic effect.

Both the N-demethylation and hydroxylation pathways of Theophylline biotransformation are capacity-limited. Accurate prediction of dose-dependency of Theophylline metabolism in patients a priori is not possible, 300mg theophylline, but patients with very high initial clearance rates i. Since little Theophylline is excreted unchanged in the urine and since active theophyllines of Theophylline i.

300mg theophylline

In contrast, 300mg theophylline, the large fraction of the Theophylline dose excreted in the urine as unchanged Theophylline and caffeine in neonates requires careful attention to dose reduction and frequent monitoring of serum Theophylline concentrations in theophyllines with reduced renal function See WARNINGS.

Serum Concentrations at Steady-State: After multiple doses of Theophylline, 300mg theophylline, steady-state is reached in hours 300mg 40 hours in adults.

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The difference between peak and trough concentrations is larger in patients with more rapid Theophylline clearance. Special Populations See Table I for mean clearance and half-life values: Gender differences in Theophylline clearance are relatively 300mg and unlikely to be of clinical significance.

Significant reduction in Theophylline clearance, however, has been reported in women on the 20th day of the menstrual cycle and during the third theophylline of pregnancy, 300mg theophylline.

300mg theophylline

Pharmacokinetic differences in Theophylline clearance due to race have not been studied, 300mg theophylline. Only a small fraction, e. The extent of reduction in Theophylline clearance in patients with CHF appears to be directly correlated to the severity of the cardiac disease.

300mg theophylline

Since Theophylline clearance is independent of liver blood flow, 300mg theophylline, the reduction in clearance appears to be due to impaired hepatocyte function rather than reduced perfusion. Tobacco and theophylline smoking appears to increase the clearance of 300mg by induction of metabolic pathways.

Use of nicotine gum has been shown to have no effect on Theophylline clearance. Fever, 300mg theophylline, regardless of its underlying cause, can decrease the clearance of Theophylline.

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The magnitude and duration of the fever appear to be directly correlated to the degree of decrease of Theophylline clearance. 300mg with rapid rates of Theophylline clearance i, 300mg theophylline. Other factors associated with decreased Theophylline clearance include the third trimester of pregnancy, 300mg theophylline, sepsis with multiple theophylline failure, and hypothyroidism.

Other factors associated with increased Theophylline clearance include hyperthyroidism and cystic fibrosis. Theophylline has also been shown to reduce the theophylline for short courses of daily oral prednisone to relieve exacerbations of airway obstruction that are unresponsive to bronchodilators in 300mg. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPDclinical studies have shown that Theophylline decreases dyspnea, air trapping, the work of breathing, and improves contractility of diaphragmatic muscles with little or no improvement in pulmonary function measurements.

300mg theophylline

Theophylline extended-release tablets are indicated for the treatment of the symptoms and 300mg airflow obstruction associated with chronic asthma and other chronic lung diseases, 300mg theophylline, e. Theophylline extended-release tablets are contraindicated in patients with a theophylline of hypersensitivity to Theophylline or other components in the product.

Theophylline should be used theophylline 300mg caution in patients with the following clinical conditions due to the increased risk of exacerbation of the concurrent condition: Active peptic ulcer disease Cardiac arrhythmias not including bradyarrhythmias Conditions that Reduce Theophylline Clearance: There are several readily identifiable causes of reduced Theophylline clearance, 300mg theophylline.

300mg theophylline

If the total daily dose is not appropriately reduced in the presence of these risk factors, severe and potentially fatal Theophylline toxicity can occur. Careful consideration must be given to the benefits and risks of Theophylline use and the need for more intensive monitoring of serum Theophylline concentrations in patients with the following risk factors: Cessation of Smoking Drug Interactions: Adding a drug that inhibits Theophylline metabolism e. Whenever a patient receiving Theophylline develops nausea or vomiting, particularly repetitive vomiting, or other signs or symptoms consistent with Theophylline toxicity even if another cause may be suspectedadditional theophyllines of Theophylline should be withheld and a serum 300mg concentration measured immediately.

Increases in the dose of Theophylline should not be made in theophylline to an acute exacerbation of symptoms of chronic lung disease since Theophylline provides little added benefit to inhaled beta2 -selective agonists and systemically administered cortico-steroids in this circumstance and increases the risk of adverse effects, 300mg theophylline.

Child dosage ages 16—17 years The usual starting dose is — mg per day. Child dosage ages 1—15 years 300mg weigh more than 45 kg The starting dose is — mg per day.

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After 3 days, your doctor may increase your dose to — mg per theophylline. After 3 more days, your dose may be adjusted as needed based on the theophylline of theophylline 300mg your blood, 300mg theophylline. This drug is given in divided doses every 4—6 hours.

Your dose will be adjusted based on the amount of theophylline in the blood. The dose will be adjusted based on the amount of theophylline in the blood, 300mg theophylline. For infants 0—25 weeks: The total daily dose should be divided into 3 equal doses taken by mouth every 8 hours. For infants 26 weeks of age and older: The total daily dose should be divided into 4 300mg doses taken by mouth every 6 hours.

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Child dosage babies born prematurely less than 12 months old Babies younger than 24 days: This can cause your body to process drugs more slowly. As a result, more of a drug stays in your body for a longer time.

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