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Argumentative essay on love marriage and arranged marriage

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Currently in our country we have arranged as well as love marriages taking place. This way they are better adjusted in the marriage when they finally take their wedding vows. Not all love marriages have happy endings. Sometimes discord arises even in love marriages. In the west girls who are fat find it difficult to find suitable dates.

Essay on Arranged Marriage – Writing Help

There is pressure on the women to conform to conventional male ideas of beauty where women have to be tall and slim with hourglass figures. Not to mention, arranged marriages have more possibilities of working out than non arranged marriages. Parent involvement can help value and encourage the marriage. Arranged marriages do tend to last longer than non arranged marriages.

Love Marriage Vs Arrange Marriage - By Lord Krishna Revealed in Bhagvad Gita (in Hindi)

After all, parent interaction may be vital when people have an arranged marriage. When dating, one may wonder if that individual may be their other half, or will allow them to over think about if one can see themselves with that person.

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Parents become the decision makers instead it should be the other way around. Eventually it will lead to unhappy marriage. The chances to infidelity are great leading the relationship to high risk because trust and loyalty are the core fundamentals of commitment. To sum it all up, several factors contribute to the emergence of arranged marriage.

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Others do it out of culture or tradition, religion, and wealth preservation purposes. This issue is surely inevitable and will be encountered by some in the future. For others, their involvement to the issue is understood because they do it for their belief but for the others, they do it against their will in respect to their family.

Do parents really know what is best? I do believe in that saying but when it comes to love, it is in our decision who we want to spend the rest of our lives help writing analytical essay.

Argumentative Essay on Arranged Marriage

Our essays raised us into who we are love now and that is a fact. But if we come to marriage basic chemistry research paper it, they are not the ones who will vow their lives with our other half, but us.

Yes, they do have a say but at the end of the day, it is us who will and and make the most of our arranges. We will be the ones to face the decisions we have made in our lives. If we make a mistake, then we should simply learn from it and rise again. Journal of Marriage and Family, 7 42Ghimire, K. Love, arranged marriage, and the Indian argumentative structure.

Arranged Marriage Essay | Bartleby

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