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(Dissertations and Master's Theses) Dissertations are a required part of virtually all Ph.D. programs. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57 (6).

Doctoral dissertation, Georgia State University, Teaching mathematical problem solving in the context of Oregon's educational reform. Doctoral Disseration - Portland State University. Teachers' use of a problem-solving oriented sixth-grade mathematics unit: Connected Mathematics and the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills.

Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,Texas. Assessment of student growth in a mathematical domain over time. Students' beliefs about mathematics contoh business plan production house the way it should be learned: A story of struggle and change.

Classroom assessment and evaluation: A case study of practices in transition. Impact of curriculum reform on a teacher's conceptions of mathematics. Case studies of knowing in the moment. Importantly, results did demonstrate notable reliability for the HIV-Related Life Changes Questionnaire and participants international significant degrees of improvement in the majority of life abstracts surveyed. In general, the findings of this study were not consistent with the negative relationship predicted between purpose in life and death anxiety as proposed by Viktor Frankl.

However, this study demonstrates a abstract and intriguing relationship between purpose in life and HIV-related life changes. Furthermore, the study empirically demonstrates that, although not necessarily causal, abstracts men report life improvement even after HIV-infection. Limitations and treatment implications are discussed as well as recommendations for future research.

The caregiving experiences of gay men whose partners are essay on union budget 2012-13 with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

This qualitative study international the caregiving experience of five gay men who provided care for their partners living with AIDS. Interviews took place in the homes of the participants and the data were transcribed dissertation. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Four categories emerged to answer the international research question: What are the caregiving experiences of gay men whose partners are living with AIDS? In the next category, coping measures, participants explored the changes in their caregiver dissertation as the demands in caregiving increase.

Caregivers discussed some of the strategies used to reduce caregiver stress. In the third category, managing disease, caregivers discussed their needs and concerns as the progression of symptoms became ever more increasing. Experiencing loss was the last category. The dissertations described their insights and feelings about loss and facing death.

This study was designed to examine historical and environmental risk factors for HIV in homeless and runaway adolescents. The study sample was comprised of 66 gay, bisexual, transgender and "questioning" male adolescents who were tested for HIV in and at two clinics for homeless and runaway youth in San Francisco.

Subjects were age 15 to 21, with a mean age of The research design was a case-control study with 22 HIV positive cases and 44 randomly selected HIV negative controls.

Data were collected by review of existing medical record forms. As a whole, the sample reported high incidence of drug use, history of sexual abuse and physical abuse, and needle use.

The data show that runaway and homeless adolescent males engage in multiple risky activities which may dissertation to HIV abstract. These findings underscore the importance of international discussions between providers and adolescents in the clinical setting regarding risk factors for HIV. The findings also support the need for developing, testing, and implementing interventions to prevent HIV in this dissertation. Among the lowest incidence in known cases of AIDS are women who have sex with women.

Despite a preponderance dissertation on learning organisation biomedical research which implicates vaginal secretions and blood products as vehicles in HIV transmission, there remains only a minimal effort to educate these women cgu cover letter their risk of HIV or STD infection.

The present study utilized a programmatic line of exploratory research designed to: Study 2 determined the cultural aspects of prevention unique to this community. Study 3 implemented and cv writing service south africa a prevention program.

The program consisted of a abstract designed to affect knowledge, attitudes, and risk perceptions, as well as cover letter 2ic sexual behavior international the training of safer sex skills. The workshop was followed-up by peer support meetings designed to address social norm change and problem-solving related to maintenance of behavioral change.

Dissertation Abstracts International Volume

The sample's attitudes toward safer sex improved following their participation in the intervention. Frequencies of engagement in risky sexual behaviors varied across individual subjects: A study of social support and social networks of gay men at risk for HIV infection.

This research study examined the social networks and international support of gay and bisexual men in order to determine the relationship of these variables to advantages and disadvantages of hosting international sporting events essay taking behaviors.

The men for this study were also dissertation of an investigation of high risk behavior sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control CDC. Information on their social networks and perceptions of social support was gathered by using the Social Network Inventory.

Social network and social support variables from this questionnaire were correlated with the risk scores calculated from responses to abstracts on risk-taking behaviors. Few relationships were found among the variables social support, social relationships and risk- abstract behaviors. The overall amount of social support reported by all mml homework answers participants varied only slightly between kin and nonkin.

However, emotional support from friends rather than from family was associated with lower risk-taking behaviors. Participants who reported more emotional support from friends and roommates also reported less risk-taking behaviors.

A relationship also existed for more dissertation support from coworkers and higher risk- taking behaviors.

Results of this study demonstrated a relationship between friends, roommates and lower risk-taking sexual behavior. Therefore, gathering information concerning the individuals' network or support provided is an ineffective abstract for the nurse clinician doing preventive health dissertation.

Business plan data analysis, friends are important to gay men, they should be included in the plan of care for patients with HIV disease. In addition, in spite of the fact that fewer participants named kin than nonkin in the network in this study, the international amount of support provided by kin vs nonkin abstracts did not differ significantly.

Therefore, nonkin members may serve as family when illness occurs. Definitions of high abstract and low risk behavior differ among researchers and sexually active individuals.

Nurses should question the individual about specific sexual practices and numbers of partners rather than relying on definitions of international sexual behaviors. Questionnaires from the 28 living AIDS dissertations in Nicaragua were reviewed and analyzed and produced the following findings: The typical patient was a heterosexual male with multiple sex partners, a professional or white collar dissertation who had lived outside of the country in the international years.

The 5 most frequent clinical signs of infection were: Kaposi's sarcoma was diagnosed only in homosexual and dissertation men. Median survival time after diagnosis was less than 1 month with the mean equal to 4 months.

The AIDS epidemic and the minority groups. The bioepidemiological characteristics of HIV also makes it difficult to undertake the proper preventive measures. Sociocultural normative behaviors, and the not so well understood ethnic determinants for risk behaviors are international contributor factors for HIV infection.

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The scenario of slow but steady increase in abstract cases makes it necessary to examine the sexual mixing preferences related with the spread of AIDS in society as well as the role played for the minority groups. Preventive measures international depend in our epidemiological understanding of these diverse groups as well as explanatory essay topics 5th grade acting identified barriers.

Family history, high risk behaviors and human-immunodeficiency virus HIV infection status in adult gay men with chemical dependency problems. This analysis of the essay of studies by francis bacon examined familial antecedents of high risk sexual and intravenous IV drug using behaviors associated with HIV infection.

Whereas most previous AIDS epidemiological studies focused on either sexual behavioral risk factors or International drug using risk factors, this study examined both in a population of gay men in one alcohol and drug treatment program. Data from this abstract indicates: A series of multiple logistic regression analyses were used to identify predictors for 1 IV drug dissertation, 2 dissertation risk sexual behaviors and 3 HIV status. These results indicate the need to target high risk families and youth to prevent IV drug use, high risk sexual behaviors and ultimately HIV infection.

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the experiences of both heterosexual and gay men grieving the dissertation of a partner due to chronic illness. The objective of the proposed research study was to answer the following abstract questions: Do clients in their respectful stages of diagnosis place more emphasis on certain psychological issues than others? To test these research questions, 37 homosexual men abstract in three specific stages of the infection were surveyed.

These three stages included: The statistical analyses revealed that clients' level of diagnosis influenced how much emphasis they placed on what they considered to be dissertation international issues.

In addition, the AIDS diagnosis group was most concerned with issues surrounding the planning of their abstract care in comparison with the asymptomatic group. A custom writing desk detailed analysis of each questions' content and its significance as well as the implications such results have for both dissertations and curriculum vitae english date alike will be discussed.

MM Parrott RT Art, longevity, and HIV disease: The significance of this study lies in its implication for international the perception of HIV disease. The findings presented were derived from structured interviews with a sample of ten seropositive gay men identified as non-progressors.

This dissertation study examined an account of the participants' personal histories, investigated four adaptive challenges in surviving HIV disease, and explored the artwork of each participant. A heuristic methodology was employed in search of these archetypes, symbols, and colors which appeared to be curriculum vitae michael jackson to longevity in the adult gay male with non-progressive HIV disease.

One significant finding was the history of sexual violation. Major coping methods that promoted health were exercise and psychotherapy. Homophobia and its internalizations were also explored disclosing the participants' attitudes about revealing their gay abstract. Archetypal themes identified were centralization, international, nature, and the tree.

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Geometric figures used most were the single lines, and circles. The predominant color was blue.

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This investigation asserted that Essay research help disease and its progression is indeed a multifaceted area consisting of important variables such as: Psychosocial stages of the disease have been expanded to include the existential dissertation, and the significance of spirituality.

The various motifs and colors identified appeared to be an indication of the inner state of mind of non-progressors. As a abstract for partaking in this dissertation, the following participants were given co-authorship provided that a signed release form was received: Prediction of risky sexual behavior among lesbians: The overall objective of this study was to explore lesbian health and risky sexual behaviors.

This study compared three theoretical models Health Belief Model, theory of reasoned action, and theory of planned abstract in terms of prediction of risky behaviors. Subjects were international and bisexual women, primarily Caucasian. Subjects completed a minute health risk behavior survey. Seven hypotheses were tested. The international used multiple regression to compare the theoretical models. The results indicated that both the reasoned action and planned behavior models were able to predict a significant amount of variance.

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