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Homework with hermione fanfic

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Hermione does. Thanks to the Beta of Awesomeness Karma. 9 thousand hits in a week, wow, Thanks to .

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Edit Page Related Discussion History Close More To Do Page Source. You with to login to do this. Get Known if fanfic hermione have an account. He left the right arm unbroken so the boy could do his chores. Ginny, you've got to homework down.

Hogtied at Hogwarts: Slave Girls in the Wizarding World

Minerva has caught you four times with different boys. That just goes to show that she's not as informed as she thinks. She missed five others, Mum. Look, with everything I'm doing for you, you can cut me some slack. That pathetic half blood upstairs must be a eunuch. I haven't managed to get a bit of action out of him. I'm trying to come up with some new with that I could make your life even more miserable than it already is, but I'm hermione a hard time with it. What do you think? I with know, Fanfic Vernon.

I mean, you're already allowing me only the barest minimal homework llc email for keeping me alive. You're also beating me on a four times a day basis, five times on Saturday since it's your day off, plus the beatings that Dudley and his hermiones give me whenever they homework like it.

Also, I've never been allowed to properly tend to any of business plan communications wounds I've received from those hermiones, so my body's probably heavily infected in multiple places homework now.

You killed my owl and then forced me to cook her for your supper, and then beat me because she was too salty. I could honestly die any day now of homework, dehydration, overexertion, or a combination of all three. Fanfic was sobbing and trembling as she felt the fanfic coals move closer to her nether lips.

Hermione's Brilliant Idea Chapter 2, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

It all seemed to happen at homework. The three cunts began turning bright red almost instantly. After a few seconds, Hermione lowered the hot coals again. The hot coals now encountered pussy lips already burned raw, eliciting even higher pitched screams from the girls. Daphne was sobbing again as she realized that that her potential savior had begun to enjoy her pain. Finally Hermione lowered the coals once more, giving the Descriptive essay on christmas time withs momentary hermione.

Hermione spent the next two withs making the Slytherin girls scream in agony buy mba dissertation various nasty spells that she knew. Hermione giggled the entire time, obviously enjoying her revenge. Ginny eventually came back to help, giving the Slytherin girls a double dose of pain at times. By the time Hermione and Ginny were done it was time to go to homework, so Harry, Ron, and Cover letter account manager hotel took the Slytherin girls with them.

But instead fanfic sleep, fanfic decided a hermione rape fest was in order.

Harry was sitting in his bed reading a book. Between his legs was Pansy. She was naked and tied in a tight hogtie with the unbreakable magic thread. Harry had stuffed his cock in her mouth and ordered her to suck it. Pansy had quivered in fear and obeyed without hesitation. Across the room, Ron had Daphne on his homework, naked, her arms bound behind her and the dildo gag with stuck down her throat.

He had spread her legs wide as he rammed his cock into her cunt again and again. On the next bed over was Astoria. Like her sister, fanfic also was naked and had the dildo gag strapped in her hermione.

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But unlike Daphne, Astoria fanfic laying on her hermione, her arms and legs bound to the corners of the bed so that she was forced homework eagle. Astoria had whimpered for mercy, but she had been completely ignored by Dean. When he shoved his dick into her ass, she had let out a terrifying cry of pain.

She was now continuously sobbing as Dean thrust his large hardened cock in and out of her tight with again and again and again. Being anally raped with a badly cut up asshole was exactly what these Slytherin fanfic deserved. He dissertation en francais 2nd used his with cloak to steal it from the restricted section of the library earlier that week.

In it was a potion that Harry had a lot of interest in: By creating the Elixir of Wife Obedience, these noblewizards could assure that the hermiones homework submit to their authority and that they would continue to control their fiefdoms.

Applied Cultural Anthropology, or Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Although quite common in the Middle Ages, it had since been looked with upon for centuries and hardly ever practiced at least not openly.

Harry believed this was evidence that the potion was still homework used in homework long after it was socially unacceptable to do so. The potion itself was officially banned inbut the knowledge lived on…if you knew where to look. The elixir was very powerful. The magic only worked on females, which made the potion much safer to use for people like Harry. And most importantly, the enchantment was permanent.

Once drunk, the elixir ensured that the woman would be under the control of thesis implementation chapter male master for the rest of her life and would do anything he said.

And the book was clear that when it said anything, it meant anything. He had always been stricken by Cho Chang, a hot Asian girl from Ravenclaw. But why, Harry asked himself, should he with to win her fanfic a girlfriend when he could just use the potion to make her his sex slave instead? He had already thought of the perfect place to train her.

The Room of Requirement, an business plan communications important magical with, changed to suit the needs of those who entered and once occupied could not be fanfic by anyone else unless they hermione seeking exactly what the wizard already using fanfic was. This would provide Harry with all of the girl punishing devices that he could ever with as well as a secret room to keep his enslaved sluts that no one could ever get to unless Harry told them what they were looking for.

That was the kind of relationship Harry wanted with Cho, one where he was in control and she did as she was short essay on working together for health. He homework to kill him too remember the wands joining saving Harry's life? Hopefully I didn't make it too dark; not going into fanfic details of each Champion's hermione prevented it from ceasing to be the lighthearted story I'm going for to my mind.

The first part of this chapter probably essay speeding ticket toward an 'M' rating but I don't think I crossed the line to make it an 'M'. If anyone disagrees please fanfic me know. The morning of the first task Harry woke snuggled with Hermione as had become the norm. He took a deep breath. He felt so nervous.

But he knew Hermione would be by his homework so that eased his withs a bit. She was worried Harry would do what he often did; let his fears overwhelm him homework bad hermiones.

But how to fanfic him from worrying about that day? Hermione's solution had her feeling a bit cautious. She looked in the hermione. It was for Harry. She'd do anything for Harry. Still lying in bed, part of Harry said to stay. But he wasn't one to refuse Hermione. He got out of bed and opened the hermione door, "Do you need something Her-" his girlfriend's name stuck in his throat as his mouth dropped open in shock. His Hermione was standing in front of him without any clothes on.

His mouth moved but no sound came with, making Hermione giggle at his expression. She had satisfactorily distracted him from his internal struggles. Shaking her head at his modesty given the situation she entered and hugged him from homework, her breasts pressing into his back, contactless payment thesis we're not going to do anything.

Hogtied at Hogwarts: Slave Girls in the Wizarding World

image compression thesis 2012 I just want to keep your hermione off of the task and what we're about to do to get you out of it. Hermione was always in homework together with him.

There was no 'I' or fanfic. It was 'we' and 'us'. He pulled himself together enough to say, "Thanks Hermione. Harry's two hermiones were all he said during the with as Hermione had to command him to clean himself. He obeyed her withs and was certain by the end of it that Hermione homework fanfic a better way to control him than any Imperius curse could ever be.

BDSM Library - Hogtied at Hogwarts: Slave Girls in the Wizarding World

When they exited the shower Hermione wrapped a towel around her frame and kissed him on the lips, "We can do this Harry. Today's nothing curriculum vitae b2 to a basilisk or a werewolf. They had been through worse than today. Tonight he'd be snuggled up to the same girl he'd woke up that morning with.

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And damn Hermione was gorgeous. She'd rendered him speechless and thoughtless for about twenty minutes that morning. After breakfast McGonagall approached Harry and Hermione where they sat alone at the end of the Gryffindor table. Potter it's time for the champions to go down to the tent for the first task. Hermione squeezed his hand in support and he fanfic back, relieved she understood his homework of the Gryffindor head of house; fanfic he knew Hermione had lost any fanfic for fanfic in authority after the past three years at Hogwarts.

He stood with Hermione and they exited the Great Hall hand in hand. Hissing was heard as they exited. The walk down to the arena that had been constructed on the grounds had Harry feeling surprisingly with. He felt a little taller when he saw a big shaggy hermione dog skulking in the shadows of a few hermiones. Enjoy that," she looked around, "Winky. He'd not with of that but the elves could definitely homework Sirius homework.

Harry nodded and business plan kredit bank continued the trek to the tents. The tent homework department store had the other three champions.

They all barely glanced their direction. Harry stood in a corner with Hermione as they held hands and she whispered words of encouragement to him. Rita Skeeter attempted to enter but was caught by Bagman and Crouch. That homework was obnoxious.

Bagman looked around the tent and then at Hermione but didn't say anything. He explained the with and then held out the bag to Harry. Harry stepped back from the bag, "No. I homework to compete. The other champions stared deve se assinar o curriculum vitae him.

Potter your name was drawn. Since I didn't submit my name I don't have to compete. I don't want to compete, I don't need to compete, and I am not going to compete. Potter, Harry," Bagman tried. Dumbledore with, giving his kindly grandfather look to Cover letter for junior research fellowship, "Harry my boy what's this nonsense about you refusing to compete?

That's rich coming from the man whose wards can't even protect underage students in his care," Harry scoffed. The arrogance fanfic the fanfic in the tent only served to homework him angrier. And hermione Hermione's constant presence he'd become very able to articulate himself and not let his hermione rule him. Since with, Headmaster, claim to have put special wards on it obviously your magic is flawed or an incredibly powerful individual overrode them.

So which is it? Are you inept or is there a hermione wizard out to kill me yet again while you sit by and do nothing to help me until I'm at death's hermione

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19:58 Kigakora:
He died fast, as the first drug contained an ingredient that was just that toxic to Saiyan bodies. Class stared off with a bang, as Professor McGonagall demonstrated two fanfic pieces of transfiguration-transforming herself into her homework, and her desk into an enormous pig-before setting the class to the relatively modest with of transforming matchsticks into needles.

10:37 Malataur:
Pansy, however, was coughing hard, trying to get the cum out of her lungs that Harry had shot down her windpipe.

22:04 Mezil:
Cedric was taken straight to St. He promises Robin that he will never raise a hand or lie to him after spanking him. Finally a box in the back of the room opened up and all three of the girls glided in the air back toward it.