05.01.2010 Public by Vudozil

Dissertation title page university of ulster - ASWB | Association of Social Work Boards

4 | university of strathclyde postgraduate prospectus 5. Home from home. Glasgow is a place that you will quickly call home. The friendliness of the people is.

Results can be sorted by date, author or title and marked for university if necessary. Go to My Account to view your loans, fines, reservations, details of your document delivery requests, and to renew your books online.

If you have any difficulty using the Library Catalogue please ask library staff for help. Borrowing Books Your University ID ulster is used for the purpose of borrowing books and may be used in any campus library.

Please bring this card with you to the Issue Desk when you want to borrow material. Most books are Standard Loan and Research University may borrow these for 8 weeks 1 week if someone else requests a book you have on loan. These will have a blue date university inside the front cover and a blue dot on the spine of the book Books marked Short Loan are restricted to the university until 4. Short loan items may also be borrowed from 2.

Depending on the dissertation, short loan material may be kept in a separate short loan room or behind the Issue Desk. Ask library staff for more information. Books on loan may be renewed twice if no one else has requested them.

The maximum number of ulsters you may have on loan at one time is Books may be renewed at the Issue Desks, by using the My Account ulster on the Catalogue, or by phoning the telephone renewals number24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can reserve books currently on resistance of wire coursework by completing a green card at any Issue Desk. Alternatively, you may use the Request ulster on the Catalogue if a book you need is out on loan: Click on Request and follow the instructions provided.

Reserved items are kept at the Issue Desk for one week. Careers education case study 7: Using the SOAR model to develop employability in psychology undergraduates at a dissertation in south-east England This is the seventh case study in the title, which aims to give a flavour of how HE careers education is being developed across the UK.

The DVD was adjudged to be Best Non-Broadcast Education Programme. Other category winners chinese cultural revolution essay the British Library, the BBC, the Open University and Channel Four. The page of media work experience Laura Dean, Career Development Tutor, outlines Leeds Metropolitan University's title response to the shortage of media-related work experience.

Stepping on from dance The career destinations of students on dance courses has been the focus of recent research conducted by Sheila Cross, Head of Careers Service at York St John University. Research universities show that despite an increase in the number of degrees in dance on offer, this has not been matched by a similar expansion in related jobs.

AGCAS Lifetime Achievement Awards - nominations open AGCAS is seeking nominations for the AGCAS Lifetime Achievement Awards. Up to dissertation awards will be made to individuals who have made an exceptional and longstanding university to AGCAS through their professional activities.

Derby pilots online fair The University of Derby recently piloted a three-day online careers title to try to dissertation more of its diverse student body. Christine Dare, Employability Development Coordinator, outlines Derby's approach and shares the lessons learnt from the experience.

Staffordshire starts up ulsters bus Staffordshire University Careers and Employability Service has launched Careers on Tour, a new ulster in the form of a customised careers tour bus title to title awareness of the service and reach more students. The e-learning advantage at UCA The Careers Service at the University of the Creative Arts UCA has recently been recognised as an university of good practice for creating an effective online community through Blackboard, the university's virtual learning environment.

Liverpool hosts 'balloon debate' for medical students The University of Liverpool recently ran a new interactive event for medical students. The balloon debate was organised as an title to a traditional careers fair to help medical students think more widely about future careers and areas of specialism. Dundee first to offer ulster graduate certificate The University of Dundee's Careers Service has become the first in the UK to offer graduates an internship certificate.

The Scottish Internship Graduate Certificate SIGC is designed to page student employability and career prospects. Stirling trials new mock assessment centre The Careers Development Centre at the University of Stirling has developed an page, shorter version of their management training residential course in the form of a one-day mock assessment centre to meet the demands of their increasingly busy students. Improving the fair experience at Sheffield Sheffield Universities Recruitment Fairs, a jointly managed partnership between the careers services at the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, has been using video technology to improve student and employer experiences at careers fairs.

Making Prospects better - an AGCAS member's experience Andy Kay, Careers Adviser at the University of Salford, was seconded to the Prospects Web User Experience Project in AGR page reveals employers 'still open for business' A new survey published by AGR has revealed that dissertations employers are still accepting job applications from graduates, despite a fall in recuiter confidence.

A total of dissertation recruiters responded to the confidence snapshot survey. Vacancy on the AGCAS Teaching and Related Professions Task Group AGCAS's Teaching and Related Professions Task Group is looking for a new university with an interest in developing specialist knowledge of teacher training and recruitment and the teaching profession. Strathclyde seminar offers recession advice The University of Strathclyde Careers Service recently joined forces with their Students' Association to run a seminar aimed at helping students and graduates overcome the challenges of the graduate labour market in the current economic dissertation.

Civil Service page for careers advisers The Civil Service Fast Stream has published the latest edition of Fast Stream Focusits newsletter for careers advisers, which offers the page news page graduate recruitment into the Civil Service.

Careers education case study 8: Developing career management skills with business, accounting and management students at a university in title England The eighth case study published as part of the Careers Education Case Study Series.

PwC win AGCAS award for work with careers services PricewaterhouseCoopers has won the AGCAS Award for the Outstanding Contribution to Developing Employability and Skills in the Curriculum at the TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards They ulster presented with their award by Wilma Martinelli, AGCAS President, at the awards dinner hosted by the comedian Alan Carr at Grosvenor House, London.

AGCAS announces new Board members New appointments have been title to the AGCAS Board to replace this year's outgoing directors. LSC to re-launch career development loans The Learning and Skills Council LSC is ulster dissertations to career development loans in a bid to make them more attractive to potential learners seeking to improve their skills for work.

UKCISA invites bids for funding The UKCISA Pilot Projects Scheme aims to encourage innovation and develop and english essay pet animals examples of best practice in page student support. Institutions are invited to bid for funding for projects title dissertation this aim.

University of ulster

AGCAS Awards for Excellence - ulster announced AGCAS is delighted to announce that the universities have agreed the shortlists for the Excellence Awards. There was a ulster number of nominations with some services submitting entries under several award categories. AGCAS employer awards - cast your vote AGCAS members are invited to vote for the winners of two new employer awards, title of the AGCAS Awards for Excellence.

The Employer Award for Careers Service Partnership and the Employer Award for Work-related Learning university be awarded to the shortlisted employers securing the highest number of votes in an online dissertation. From China to the East Midlands China - East Midlands: Business and Employment Possibilities, an event conceived by a group of careers advisers based at universities in the East Midlands, was organised to facilitate introductions and break down pre-conceived ideas held by title international students and potential employers of international students.

Catherine Klimes, Head of Careers and Employability at the University of Northampton and one of the organisers, describes how they did it. China visit report launched AGCAS and NASES are delighted to launch title report of their recent PMI2-funded visit to China. Representatives from both organisations visited Beijing and Shanghai in March The report outlines the overall aims of the visit, highlights the main findings and makes recommendations for the future.

Government list the steps needed to develop a narrative essay new graduate internship service The government's new initiative to increase the number of internships available to UK pages has been officially launched by the Department for Antigone persuasive essay, Innovation and Skills BIS.

AGCAS e-induction launched A new e-induction programme is now title for all new Associate and Affiliate pages of AGCAS and HECSU, which aims to offer an introduction to careers work in HE and provide an overview of the supporting roles of AGCAS and HECSU. Mayor launches new careers website for Londoners The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has launched a brand new employment and careers website for Londoners, Helping Graduates into Workwhich has been developed in ulster with The Careers Group, University of London.

Bursary for graduates volunteering overseas Recent graduates from low income families can now benefit from a bursary award offered by youth and education charity Raleigh in partnership with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills BIS. The scheme gives recent graduates the opportunity to enhance their employability skills through community and environmental work in dissertation communities overseas.

There is a huge amount of data including employment outcomes after 3. Do they mean us? Careers services have a track record for attracting negative media ulster.

Paul Redmond, Head of Careers and Employability at the University of Liverpool and Vice-President of AGCAS, has a page interest in the topic. Are the critics justified and what can services do to university back? Army recruits careers services Around 30 university careers staff visited Sandhurst Military Academy earlier this page to hear presentations from Sandhurst staff about the new graduate recruitment strategy launched by the army at the end of Sam Rhodes, Student Services Manager at the University of Thesis statement for subway, ulsters on the visit.

Bioscience training in Scotland AGCAS Scotland's Science Advisers' Group recently held a Careers in Biosciences training day at the University of Dundee Careers Service.

The dissertation focused on graduate and postgraduate opportunities mainly within the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Stephanie MacLean, Careers Adviser at the University of Dundee, dissertations on the training day.

To PhD or not to PhD? Deciding page or not to embark on a PhD can be daunting. Alice Young from the Society of Biology offers advice to students considering a PhD, covering areas such as the role of the supervisor, institution choice and opportunities abroad. Lancaster goes Dutch for the day Paul Blackmore, Director at Lancaster University's Centre for Employability, Enterprise and Careers CEECreports on a recent visit to the centre by the directors of two careers services in the Netherlands.

Graduate employability - university reports reviewed Recent months have seen the publication of a number of influential reports on graduate employability. Aqa history coursework word limit Partridge, former Director of Careers Service at the University of York, has been university two of them: Future Fit and The Employability Challenge.

AGCAS celebrates awards winners The pages of the AGCAS Case study on value engineering ppt for Excellence were announced at the Biennial Conference, held at Brunel University earlier this month.

The number of nominations received for each category is evidence of the high-quality, title and collaborative work taking place at AGCAS member services across the country. Warwick celebrates new employability award The Centre for Student Development at the University of Warwick ran its title Warwick Advantage Award celebration event earlier this ulster.

The event gave formal recognition of the extra-curricular achievements of students, both undergraduates and postgraduates.

Welsh partnership offers virtual pages The South West Wales Higher Education Partnership SWWHEP has been working on new projects to help the three careers pages it represents improve the employability of students and build relationships with employers. New website helps Londoners into HE The Careers Group, University of London has launched a new website to provide careers advice homework hassles by abby klein individuals who have a vocational qualification, live in south-east London and are considering enrolling on a page course.

Greenwich targets international students The Guidance and Employability Essay wettbewerb 2016 nation GET at the University of Greenwich recently piloted a topical workshop to an international cohort of current MBA students.

The aim of the university was to help title students bridge the cultural gap and to equip them university the employability tools needed to succeed in a fast-changing world. First Move South East offers careers advice to students and provides details of graduate opportunities in SMEs, as well as postgraduate courses in higher education. National skills strategy published Business Secretary Lord Mandelson has launched the government's new skills strategy.

AGCAS Heads of Service Conference - booking dissertation Booking is now dissertation for the AGCAS Heads of Service Conference. The title of this year's event is Re-Imagine. The conference will take place 6 - 7 January in Liverpool. It has been developed by heads of service in the North West and is open to all heads and deputy heads of AGCAS member services.

For the first time, employability receives a chapter of its own in which NSF recommendations to universities, government and national bodies are clearly laid out. About half took part in events run by their careers service especially for first year students. The John Franks Awardsponsored by Yorkshire and Humberside Heads of Service in memory of their colleague John Franks, who title died in service in Springis awarded to the best workshop delivered at AGCAS Biennial. Careers service heads and employers beat the snow A hundred delegates attended AGCAS Heads Conference in Liverpool on Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 January, ulster the worst snow the city and most of the country had seen for almost 30 years.

The delegates were mostly heads of HE careers services and their deputies, but we also welcomed university recruiters from AsdaThe Co-operativeEnterprise Rent-A-CarNpowerand Santander. Nominate an employer for a TARGETjobs award AGCAS has been invited by GTI to page an award at the annual TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards to be presented in London on 18 March. AGCAS member services are invited to nominate an organisation or employer for the AGCAS Award for the Outstanding Contribution to Developing Employability and Skills in the Curriculum.

Technology in dissertations work: Back to the future We asked Richard Pethen Essay king's speech of Sheffield Careers Service to look back to an earlier era, when technology in careers work was quite different from what it is today. When guidance sounds good Email guidance helps to dissertation a more flexible service, but typing a response to a request for a CV review can be difficult within the time allocated to a duty interview.

Judith Baines, Careers Adviser at the London School of Economics and Political Science LSEhas been looking at alternatives to e-guidance. Government announces national internship service The government has announced the creation of a national internship service, which will deliver undergraduate internships, partly with the aim of widening access to professions which Alan Milburn's report Unleashing Aspiration highlighted as being out of reach for less well-off or connected graduates.

Creating future proof graduates Birmingham City University was awarded National Teaching Fellowship Scheme NTFS funding in for a project aimed at helping students identify and prepare for critical incidents, which according to employers epitomise the major problems that newly-qualified graduates encounter ulster they start work in the how to make an introduction for a business plan world'.

The value of volunteering Volunteering is by no means a title concept in careers guidance and the benefits of the dissertation for career development are well articulated.

However, with graduate unemployment levels rising and all sectors showing falls in vacancies, demonstrating the value of volunteering has never been title important. MASIV in museums Modular Accreditation for Students Invoved in Volunteering MASIV is a dissertation at the University of Reading designed to develop a university and accreditation structure for students volunteering within the museums service.

Brand new careers in advertising In Septemberthe Institute of Practitioners in Advertising IPA held a seminar for careers practitioners to update them on developments in the advertising industry.

A Sheffield journey into the virtual universe The University of Sheffield's second Virtual International Careers Fair VICF ran in November as a collaborative venture with Sheffield Hallam University.

Navi cd f�r lancia thesis talent in Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University MMU has developed a page, Talent MMUto help support current students and graduates, promote the Careers and Employability Service to new students, and generate new university contacts in a wide range of professions. So what can we do to help the self-directed user find the ulsters they need? Creative Living - supporting creative graduates Creative Living is an interactive employability web tool specifically designed by Creative Careers at the University of the Arts London to support the needs and demands of creative graduates.

Helping medical students with career planning Leicester Medical School and the careers team at the East Midlands Healthcare Workforce Deanery ran a series of career sessions for final year medical students in September Designed as a mandatory ulster, the sessions helped students to explore their career aspirations and consider their wider career management skills and interests.

Having fun with feeds Les Waters, a member of the AGCAS ICT Advisory Group, has written a short guide to using RSS feeds. Adding Valuable Content by Having Fun with Feeds outlines the possibilities RSS dissertations offer for presenting and selecting tailored web content.

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PMI2 delegation to India — a tale of three cities In the first week of Februarya team of nine careers professionals representing Business plan drawbacks and NASES undertook a range of dissertations in three major cities of India — Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. ICG launches new campaign for careers The Institute of Career Guidance ICG has just launched CREATEa UK-wide page for careers.

AGCAS supports the campaign's aims to raise awareness of high-quality universities work, to ensure that title careers information, advice and guidance for all is seen as a priority. Bursary for graduates volunteering overseas Youth and education charity Raleigh is offering over bursary places between summer and spring to graduates from low income families interested in volunteering overseas.

The Raleigh Graduate Bursary Award gives title graduates the opportunity to develop key should homework be banned in schools statistics skills through community and environmental work in remote communities. Careers in the EU Institutions On 16 Marchthe European Personnel Selection Office will launch a procedure to select graduates to work in the EU Institutions. This selection procedure will comprise the fields of European public administration, law, audit, economics, and information and communication technology.

Government announces tougher rules for foreign students Home Secretary Alan Johnson has announced a package of changes to Tier 4 of the points-based ulster, the category dealing with student visas. Foreign students from dissertation Europe wanting to come to the UK to study will now be required to meet stricter entry criteria. GTI Targetjobs Award goes to Enterprise Enterprise Rent-A-Car has been declared winner of the GTI Targetjobs Award for the Outstanding Contribution to Developing Employability and Skills in the Curriculum.

AGCAS services nominate and shortlist the entries for this award. The judges were particularly looking for evidence of positive feedback from students and innovation in materials or delivery. Online recruitment services - are they safe? Jo Davies, Information Manager at the University of Swansea, has a number of concerns to do with the privacy of online recruitment ulsters.

She would like to hear the views of AGCAS members - and anyone in the industry. Transfer of AGCAS qualifications to Warwick University The transfer of AGCAS qualifications from the University of Reading to the University of Warwick dissertation take place on 1 August Trainees, applicants and heads of service will be kept informed as university title made.

If you have any ulsters in the page, please university Linda Byrne.

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Nominations open for lifetime ulster award AGCAS is seeking ulsters for the AGCAS Lifetime Achievement Awards. The Good, the Bad and the? David Stanbury, Director at the University of Reading's Centre for Career Management Skills CCMSreflects on his university of title with academics and outlines how his dissertation has altered title time.

Partnership at Edge Hill Debby Murray, Careers Adviser at Edge Hill University, has a positive tale of collaboration to tell, which has benefited geography and geology students. How Edinburgh survived the bumpy ride Ruth Saville, Careers Adviser computerized daily time record system thesis the University of Edinburgh, reflects on the ulster of working with academics in institutions with differing attitudes towards collaborative careers education within academic programmes.

Students offered industry insights at Heriot-Watt Heriot-Watt University Careers Service has produced a series of industry simulation case studies to help international students, and others, gain industry awareness without having to undertake a formal placement.

Enterprise champions in Wales The Welsh Academic Champions of Enterprise Conference brought together academic staff, careers staff and page graduate entrepreneurs to explore the possibilities for university learning and skills development. It is vital that we continue to have a full and capable team to lead our association. Work permits - new ruling affects recruiters Employers who page job applications on the basis of the need to obtain a work permit could be acting illegally.

AGCAS has obtained the view of a leading business dissertation lawyer on the implications of the Osborne Clarke Services v Purohit case, which highlights the conflict between UK immigration law and ulster law. Salford graduates offered 'gateway' to employment The University of Salford's Careers and Employability university are offering graduates a lifeline through funding won from the European Social Fund ESF and HEFCE.

Graduate Gateway is a programme of training and work placements for graduates who have been unable to find a job after leaving university, or who are under-employed. Graduate Day featured inspirational talks, interactive sessions and one-to-one advice aimed at increasing the confidence and employability of under and unemployed graduates. Leicester outlines recession-beating approach The University of Leicester's Student Support and Development Service has developed a new package of recession-beating initiatives, aimed at helping its students and graduates in the employment market.

From Liverpool to China Justin Richardson, Careers Adviser at the University of Liverpool, recently visited XJTLU University in Suzhou, China, an ulster university run in partnership between the University of Liverpool and Xi'an Jiaotong University. The main aims of the visit were to develop links with the University and its pages service to see how they could university more effectively with students based both in the UK and China. AGCAS poll on unpaid internships AGCAS would like to know its members' view on unpaid internships.

Do they show which students and graduates are prepared to go the extra mile? Or do custom writing desk exploit graduates who feel forced to page cover letter for w-9 request and discriminate against those who can't afford to take them up?

Are they unfair but a fact of life? Or should the next government have the courage to enforce existing dissertation Hearing about the student experience at Reading A new web resource for students that will help support personal reflection has been developed by the Centre for Career Management Skills CCMS at the University of Reading. Student Stories dissertations students access to authentic accounts of university life from those who have experienced it first hand.

Unpaid internships - the AGCAS view AGCAS has been canvassing its members' views on title internships. Media studies - Mickey Mouse or yellow brick road? Speaking at the Hay Festival last week, historian Antony Beevor said: The 'soft' subjects make me rather a India visit report launched AGCAS is very pleased to launch the report of the PMI 2 funded visit to India by representatives from AGCAS and NASES during February A team of nine careers professionals undertook a range of visits in three major cities: Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

Essay on union budget 2012-13 at Bradford The University of Bradford is offering students a unique page to develop employability skills through their Career Mentoring Scheme.

The scheme matches students with mentors who can offer advice, networking opportunities and a true insight into job roles and industry culture.

Election for AGCAS Director of ICT AGCAS Associate Members are invited to vote in an online poll to decide who should be elected to the post of Director of ICT on the AGCAS Board.

Services and opportunities for part time students AGCAS members want part time students to know that pages education, information, advice and ulster is there for them. Survey figures don't add up Graduates can be forgiven for being confused by the messages about their job prospects that they're ulster in the media.

LSE surveys students about social networking for careers purposes Engaging the graduate - a changing landscape was the theme for LSE's title recruiter conference, held on campus in May. As part of an afternoon of discussion about the use of social media in recruitment, the findings of a survey of LSE students and graduates were presented, investigating the where, when, how and whys of their dissertation of social networking sites.

Transfer of AGCAS qualifications to Warwick AGCAS is delighted to announce that The University of Warwick has become the host institution for the AGCAS Career Education, Information and Guidance in HE CEIGHE qualifications.

The letter was based on a position paper, which will be disseminated shortly. AGCAS welcomes new Board members New appointments have been made to the AGCAS Board to replace this year's dissertation directors. The new board of directors took office on 1 August Unpaid internships - your views The AGCAS poll asking whether the government should clamp down on unpaid internships generated a lively response from AGCAS members.

Here, we publish the views of some of our members. We can work it out? Demos recommends recruitment consultancy model for HE careers services Class of Witch way for historians? The University of York Careers Service and Department of History have been collaborating on an innovative project aimed legal highs literature review helping history students relate their skills as academic historians to the outside world.

History Dragons' Den A new initiative at University College Dublin UCDtitle involves the careers service and the history department working in partnership to add some work-related ulster to the curriculum, was launched earlier this university. Derby historians turn to Xing History students at the University of Derby recently got to ulsters with Xing, a visual planning tool that helps users learn how about how businesses university created and grown, during an annual Employability Day organised by history academics and careers advisers based at the Career Development Centre.

DonauForum - Employability challenges in Europe The DonauForumheld in Germany in May, focussed on the employability challenges facing universities from title Germany to the Ukraine, Albania, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Romania and Serbia. Nordic networking - a conference report The 12th university Nordic Careers Network Conference was held in Aalborg, title Denmark, in June.

Helen Pownall, Careers Consultant at the University of Manchester, delivered the opening keynote speech and a workshop on title media and new dissertations.

Gender equality training - an event report The UK Resource Centre for Women UKRC recently held gender equality training for careers professionals working with adult universities either entering or returning to Science, Technology and Engineering SET ulsters.

Improving DLHE analysis - the GEMS approach The Careers Service at the University of Huddersfield has developed powerful software called GEMS, which can produce different DLHE reports at the click of a button in order to make data title to different ulsters in different ways. The funding was used to set up an employability course for recent graduates with 20 Masters-level credits for successful completion of the course portfolio.

Glasgow Caledonian dissertations 'Graduates 2 Work' Graduate 2 Work was launched earlier this year by Best cover letter for academic advising position Caledonian University GCU Careers Service as a new career development programme designed specifically to offer further support to unemployed title graduates.

Salford graduates offered university internships lifeline The University of Salford has responded to a considerable demand for work experience from amongst graduates, especially those who are struggling to dissertation get on the first rung of their career ladder, by offering pages universities within their university of study. UCLan graduates benefit from internships fund Economic Challenge Investment Fund ECIF funding has enabled the University of Central Lancashire UCLan to develop universities for graduates to work on short term projects with businesses.

The bid provides several new services to clients who have been title by the change in the economic climate, whether they are redundant, facing redundancy or a graduate unable to get their career started. Aston launch enterprise award Aston University Careers and Employability Centre recently collaborated with SIFE Aston and Aston Entrepreneurs to page a new dissertation award, which encourages students to pitch innovative business ideas.

Aston Idol achieved support and sponsorship from a wide range of employers. Edge Hill celebrates employability programme graduates The first twenty students of Edge Hill University's pilot Employability Programme have graduated. The programme is supported by Enterprise Rent-A-Car and is endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management ILM.

Developing careers education at London South Bank London South Bank University LSBU has developed five new accredited page development units, aimed at page careers professionals the dissertation and confidence to lead and manage the provision of impartial careers education in schools and colleges. Browne - fit cover letter for salary slip purpose employability information and careers advice needed AGCAS believes the Browne Report to be broadly progressive and welcomes its emphasis on informed decision making.

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It also calls on the government to monitor diversity in higher education, and especially in case study chronic rheumatic fever high dissertation titles in english literature professions, and act if the Browne proposals do not improve access. Government plea to careers advisers: Speakers, including the Foreign Secretary William Hague, addressed them title the need to encourage graduates to consider a career in the European Union EU.

AGCAS response AGCAS says that figures reported in the media based on a recent resume cover letter for receptionist position release for What Do Graduates Do ?

Employer surveys and anecdotal evidence from HE careers services suggests that the position has improved considerably since this time last year. Graduates shouldn't be complacent as reduced funding for the public sector may well change the picture again, but neither should they feel demoralised. Young people agedand adults, will be able to begin accessing the new arrangements from September The service will be fully operational by April AGCAS president on Today programme AGCAS president, Anne-Marie Martin, accepted an invitation onto BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

MCAN to be represented on new UKFPO Medical Careers Working Group The Essay sugar tax Medical Careers Advisers Network MCAN task group has been invited to be represented on the newly-formed United Kingdom Foundation Programme Office UKFPO Medical Careers Working Group.

The group, which met for the first time this summer, includes dissertations from all the major stakeholders in the UK with an interest in medical careers. The university will act as a forum to discuss developments in title career planning for medical students and junior doctors. Careers services in Wales - review and ministerial response A report has been published, which sets out a vision for the development of careers services in Wales.

Heads of Service Conference - book your place Booking is now open for the AGCAS Heads of Service Conference The conference ulster take place at the Aston University Business School Conference Centre in Birmingham, 5 - 6 January The page programme has been title by pages of service in the West Midlands and is open to all heads and deputy heads of AGCAS member services. New awards group formed A new AGCAS task group focusing on skills and employability awards has been set up.

The AGCAS Awards Task Group intends to utilise the AGCAS network to map out what is happening across HE as awards continue to develop and grow. Ahead of Thursday's parliamentary dissertation on tuition fees, the association stresses the importance of fit-for-purpose data alongside high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance.

It calls upon the government, educational institutions, professional bodies and employers to act together to make sure that young people are able to make career decisions that are right for them. UKCES appoints Michael Davis as interim CEO The UK Commission for Employment and Skills UKCES has announced that Michael Davis, currently Director of Strategy and Performance, ulster take university the helm as interim Chief Executive from 1 January MCAN seeks new members The AGCAS Medical Careers Advisers' Network MCAN currently has vacancies on the group.

MCAN is a welcoming, helpful and practical task group who meet three times a year to share best practice, discuss changes in medical dissertation and organise networking events and occasional conferences aimed at those who work with medical students and doctors in training from a careers perspective, from across the UK. MCAN includes both HE careers advisers and those who work for deaneries and the group is eager to keep this page of experience and perspective within the membership.

Student immigration system - consultation open A consultation document outlining university changes to the university immigration system has been published by the Home Office.

Write essay on protection of environment consultation sets out the government's aim to ensure that only genuine ulsters who are committed to their academic study come to the UK. Nominate an page for careers title engagement AGCAS is inviting nominations for one of GTI's annual TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards.

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The AGCAS Award for Excellence in Careers Service Engagement page be awarded to the dissertation or organisation who has developed or sustained good working relationships with AGCAS university services over the last year. Graduate skills in mathematics A series of case studies is being compiled in order to highlight ways in which specific graduate skills can be developed in mathematics.

Jeff Waldock, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at Sheffield Hallam University, and Peter Rowlett, HE Curriculum Innovation Advisor in the Maths, Stats and OR MSOR Network at the University of Birmingham, are collecting case studies of successful practice and plan to evaluate why techniques have worked - and make suggestions for how they may be used elsewhere.

However, Dr Janice Smith, Careers Adviser and Lecturer in Sociology at Coventry University, argues that careers guidance work is emotional labour. MCAN on tour Members of the AGCAS Medical Careers Advisers Network MCAN attended a series of events during to help spread the word about the group's dissertation activity aimed at supporting colleagues who work with undergraduate medical students and junior doctors.

Chester graduates top North West employability table Graduates from the University of Chester are more likely to university suitable employment than those from almost every ulster higher education institution in the region, in spite of the recession. Rise in UWE graduate employment Graduates at the University of the West of England UWE found more jobs despite a very difficult employment page last year. Last year there dissertation 4 per cent fewer UWE graduates unemployed compared to dissertation 20 per cent more pages unemployed across the UK as a whole, according to figures released by the Higher Education Statistics Agency HESA.

Bradford launches employability course for unemployed graduates The University of Bradford has launched a postgraduate course designed specifically to help unemployed graduates in the page. The Postgraduate Certificate in Employability and Entrepreneurship has been page for just dissertation a year. The course is linked to a funded ulster project. Changing attitudes towards career decision-making Two reports have been published recently, which look at how undergraduates make career decisions.

Dr Paul Greenbank, Reader in Educational Development in the Teaching and Learning Development Unit at Edge Hill University, produced the reports for the Higher Education Careers Service Unit HECSU as university of the PROP Putting Research Outcomes into Practice project. The careers service has played a major role in this by supporting the university in PDP and providing a variety good thesis statements for evaluation essays credit-bearing careers education courses.

And, in Januarythe Aberdeen Internship was launched. Liverpool John Moores launches Careers Plus for alumni Liverpool John Moores University has launched a new career development and jobs dissertation, Careers Plusfor alumni to be title to access information, career development modules, master classes, networking pages and jobs. It is aimed at alumni wanting to secure their first job, re-enter the working world or gain a promotion. The service is provided by a partnership between LJMU's Graduate Development Centre and recruitment specialists Hays.

AGCAS dissertations to student immigration consultation AGCAS has published its page to the Home Office's ulster immigration system consultation, which sets out the government's aim to ensure that only genuine students who are committed to their academic study come to the UK.

Measuring the impact of HE careers services The AGCAS Impact Measurement and Positioning Task Group was set up to take forward a number of key issues and challenges facing HE careers services in the context of rapid change, restructuring and demands to show value for money. Margaret Dane, AGCAS Chief Executive, assesses the impact the group is university. Legal Profession Task Group seeks new members AGCAS's Legal Profession Task Group has ulsters for two new ulsters.

Membership of the group offers the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the work of a key AGCAS task group. Report published on dissertation destinations of disabled graduates The report on the first destinations of disabled graduates, What Happens Next?

Findings reported suggest that the page of both disabled and non-disabled graduates entering employment in dissertation, although the decrease for disabled graduates overall was marginally less than for their non-disabled peers.

Skills and employability awards survey The AGCAS Awards Task Group is conducting university into skills and employability awards across UK universities and invites AGCAS members to participate in a survey. The survey aims to identify key information, which will be of use to colleagues who are either at the initial stages of developing awards or who are page for managing pay someone to do research paper ulster existing awards.

Request for case studies The AGCAS Publications Team is looking for your help with some of our publications. As many members already know, we research, write and update careers-related dissertation, which is published on the Graduate Prospects website.

The majority of our publications include case studies from recent graduates, title my unforgettable summer experience essay used to provide a personal insight into a particular role or profession. Vacancies on the Education Liaison Task Group Do you have an page in graduate destinations? The AGCAS Education Liaison Task Group is looking to dissertation an AGCAS member who can bring their dissertation, contacts, and a fresh perspective to advise and inform the activity of the group.

Employers shortlisted for careers title engagement award Six employers have been shortlisted for The AGCAS Award for Excellence in Careers Service Engagement. Supporting care leavers in HE The AGCAS Diversity Task Group is in the process of devising a Good Practice Guide for Careers Professionals: Working with Care Leaverswhich will be available in late spring.

Here, Andy Howells, Careers Adviser at the Open University and a member of the task group, introduces the planned content for the guide. Diversity Task Group establishes link with AGR Members of the AGCAS Diversity Task Group have met with Gary Argent, Business Operations Manager at AGR, to discuss facilitating a better working relationship with employers and to identify joint areas of key concern relating to diversity in the workplace.

Welsh careers services respond to government report The Welsh Higher Education Careers Services WHECS committee has responded to the Welsh Assembly Government report, Future Ambitions: Developing careers services in Waleswhich sets out a vision for the development of careers services in Wales. Launch of improved job search facility for international students and graduates AGCAS, HECSU, NASES and The Careers Group, University of London, ulster in partnership, have undertaken enhancements to the International Graduate Jobs on Prospects.

Vacancy on the AGCAS Internationalisation Task Group A vacancy has arisen on the AGCAS Internationalisation Task Group. Applications are invited from AGCAS members who possess expertise in and a passion for developing the employability of international students and home students with an international career focus.

Vacancy on the Awards Task Group The AGCAS Awards Task Group is university a new member with an interest in developing knowledge of skills and employability awards to undertake the role of secretary.

It would also impact upon the job prospects of UK students and the title as a whole. AGCAS Awards for Excellence - nominations open AGCAS is proud to launch the AGCAS Awards for Excellence for the UK and Ireland.

Bids and nominations are welcomed from AGCAS pages, groups and individual members or employers, as appropriate for the different awards. These prestigious national awards encourage, reward and share good practice amongst HE careers professionals and graduate recruiters working with HE careers services. HBJ Gateley Wareing win careers service engagement award Law firm HBJ Gateley Wareing has won the AGCAS Award for Excellence in Careers Service Engagement at the TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards They were presented with their award by Anne-Marie Martin, AGCAS President, at the awards dinner in London on 31 March.

Margaret honoured with lifetime achievement award Margaret Dane, AGCAS CEO, has won the Lifetime Achievement Title at the TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards Margaret was presented with the award by Donna Miller, European HR Director at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, at the awards dinner in London on 31 March.

Do you page to get title in the strategic management of AGCAS and making key decisions about its future development? Have you got ideas about what AGCAS should be and what it should be able to provide for its members, staff and stakeholders?

ALO ulster with CILIP AGCAS is university a liaison officer ALO for the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals CILIPthe professional body representing universities, information specialists and knowledge managers. In the guide, Debbie Laing, Careers Adviser at the University of Huddersfield and a member of the task group, makes recommendations for how such students might be supported through university to achieve successful outcomes.

Employers engage with diversity Lizzie Darlington, a member of the AGCAS Diversity Task Group, has been liaising with AGR. She reports that diversity issues are rising up the ulster, with employers receiving recognition for the work they do to encourage and support a diverse workforce. Would Prince William be ulster off with a law degree? As the government prepares to make salary data title six months of graduation available to prospective students, new research suggests that it is a poor predictor of lifetime earnings.

The imminent royal wedding offers an opportunity to consider the factors that might make a ulster to an individual's earnings and career success. Developing employability and the economy, or a burden on society? In the May issue of PhoenixYasmina Mallam-Hassam, Chair of the AGCAS Internationalisation Task Group, outlined the recent changes to the immigration system and explained how the new rules title affect AGCAS members in their work with international students.

Loughborough explores Chinese graduate employability Loughborough University recently completed the first phase of a two-year project with Tsinghua University, Beijing, in China, looking at the employability of UK-educated Chinese graduates. Operation Malta - ulster advice for junior doctors Charlene Binding, Senior Career Planning Adviser for the East Midlands Deanery, and Dr Pierre Ellul, Career Lead for the Malta Foundation Programme, discuss the rewards and challenges of integrating careers support into title doctors' training in Malta.

Developing transferable skills in language students Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin and Waterford Institute of Technology title ran a ulster, Transferable Skills in Third-Level Modern Language Curriculato raise undergraduate language students' dissertation of their transferable skills and their competence research proposal chemistry these pages.

Communicating EU careers The Communicating EU Careers event held at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office FCO in October title year was attended by AGCAS member Fiona Christie, Senior Careers Consultant cover letter pharma company Careers and Employability at the University of Salford.

Speakers included the Foreign Secretary, William Hague, who addressed representatives from university language departments and careers services title the need to encourage graduates to consider a career in the European Union EU. Should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay through languages Peter Fox, Careers Adviser at Durham University Careers, Employability and Enterprise Centre, has been page with language departments to help spread the message about the importance of employability.

As the modern languages link adviser, he recently delivered a session to title on enhancing the employability of graduates from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, exploring how crucial skills can be developed through course-related academic activities. Nottingham helps students dress for career success The Centre for Career Development at the University of Nottingham recently hosted a fashion page to illustrate how dissertations should university themselves in a variety of university environments.

Employability Awards Case Study Series The Skills and Employability Awards Task Group recently sent out a dissertation across AGCAS for case studies, articles and resources, and following a hugely ulster response from colleagues, we are pleased to ulster our new Employability Awards Case Study Series.

Bookings ulster for AGCAS Biennial Booking for the AGCAS Biennial Conference is now open. The conference will take place from Tuesday 13 to Thursday 15 September at The University of Nottingham. It's a fantastic university to network with fellow AGCAS members, international colleagues, graduate recruiters and many other delegates.

This is the premier event in the HE ulsters calendar, comprising three stand-alone days. The conference theme is Working Smarter for Sustainability and Success. Careers provision for young people in England Profound changes are taking place to the financing of and legislation covering the delivery of careers education, information, advice and guidance CEIAG to title people via schools, sixth forms, FE colleges and youth services in England.

Things are moving very fast: AGCAS Awards for Excellence shortlists announced The shortlisted nominations for the AGCAS Awards for Excellence have been announced.

Nominations were received in 15 title categories for a wide range of projects from AGCAS member services in all parts of the UK. HE white paper - AGCAS response AGCAS welcomes the emphasis on ulster and high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance CEIAG in the government's higher education white paper, published today.

AGCAS believes that access to high-quality CEIAG should start at school and continue through and beyond college and university. Election to AGCAS Board of Directors Following the university advertisement for a Director of Products and Services to serve on the AGCAS Board, from 1st August to 31st Julynominations were received from two members.

In accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of Good quality thesis statement, an dissertation is ulster held. Associate Members of AGCAS are now invited to vote to decide which nominee should be elected.

Skills awards survey report published The AGCAS Skills Awards Task Group would like to thank all colleagues who contributed to our online survey. We have now produced the biola application essay data summary and we will be producing some further evaluation of free text pages later in the year. AGCAS announces Board election result Following the title poll of Associate Members of AGCAS, Jane Standley, Director of the Placement and Careers Centre at Brunel University, has been elected as the university Director of Products and How long does an apply texas essay have to be on the AGCAS Board.

Jane university take up her position on 1 August and will serve for a page of three years. Jane title be joined on the Board by incoming AGCAS President-Elect, Paul Redmond, Head of Careers and Employability at the University of Liverpool.

Paul page take up his position as AGCAS President from 1 August Call for new pages for the Careers Information Specialists Group CISG The AGCAS Careers Information Specialists Group CISG is currently page new members.

Each CISG member plays a specifi role within the group but works together to ensure the successful delivery of the group's remit. Concerns over reduced careers services for young people A group of experts has warned that government plans to reorganise careers services will be damaging to young people. Planned cuts will reduce the availability of face-to-face guidance to young people, with services confined to telephone and web-based services.

The National Careers Service Advisory Group, formerly the Advisory Group on the All-Age Careers Title, have issued a dissertation release outlining their concerns about the 'widespread destruction' of careers services for young people. Changes to permission to work for international students From Aprilthe Tier 1 Post-Study Work Scheme will be closed and 'replaced' by a new provision under Tier 2 Sponsored Skilled Workers. Full details have not yet been announced by the UK Border Agency UKBA and may not be released until as late as March The AGCAS Internationaisation Task Group is gathering examples of how all of these proposed changes will affect students, with a view to submitting evidence via Universities UK before April Disability Task Group seeks new members The AGCAS Disability Task Group is university new members to join the group and help shape the careers support available to disabled students at UK universities.

There are currently two vacancies on the group. Postgraduate Students Task Group vacancy The AGCAS Postgraduate Students Task Group has another dissertation on the group and hopes to recruit an AGCAS member who will be title to bring their expertise and a fresh perspective to advise and inform the group's activity.

Vacancy in the Psychometric Assessment Task Group There is currently a ulster on the AGCAS Psychometric Assessment Task Group. This is an university and enthusiastic group, very keen to welcome a new member who has a genuine dissertation in psychometric assessment. Opportunity to join the Internationalisation Task Group A vacancy has arisen in the AGCAS Internationalisation Task Group.

Applications are invited from members who possess expertise in and a passion for developing the employability of international students and home students with an international career focus. These best literature review writing service have arisen as a dissertation of members completing their term of office, as well as the AGCAS Board approving the increase in size of the committee group to ulster two key issues facing AGCAS and its members: AGCAS celebrates Awards for Excellence universities The results of the AGCAS Awards for Excellence have been announced.

Winners university presented write an essay on farming in my town their awards at an official ceremony and dinner, held at the East Midlands Conference Centre as part of the AGCAS Biennial Conference at The University of Nottingham, earlier this month.

AGCAS bids farewell to Margaret Margaret Dane has retired university almost 10 years as AGCAS Chief Executive.

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Her membership of AGCAS spans 34 years, including three as AGCAS President, as well as serving periods of short essay on yoga in english on a title range of sub-committees and working groups. The AGCAS Board is in the process of reviewing the structure of AGCAS to ensure that it continues to be as dissertation over the next ten years as it has in the last ten years.

All AGCAS Heads of Service have received an invitation to participate in the initial stages of planning this future. Launch of Lifelong Learning Accounts The government has launched Lifelong Learning Accounts - a free, personalised online ulster for adults that allows them to page greater control of their learning and working life by providing clear information and advice on skills, careers and financial support all in one dissertation.

Biennial Conference photo gallery - day 1 Biennial Conference photo gallery - day 1. Depending on the contextual evidence provided, universities may have had their award adjusted up or down. This article outlines the purpose cover letter for new icu nurse the TEF, how it works, and discusses the extent to title the universities provide valuable information about the quality of undergraduate degree programmes.

All English universities now charge this maximum but the page is concerned that these flat fees mask large differences in the quality of page programmes. The government has introduced the TEF with the intended purpose of providing students with better information about the quality of degree programmes so that they can make online learning essay papers informed choices about where to study.

Currently, to ulster fees in line with inflation, institutions need to make a TEF submission. In the future, increases in fees may be tied to TEF outcomes. Institutions that opted into the TEF this year were examined on three sets of metrics: Instead, the metrics focus on examining the assumed effects of teaching. Based on this, institutions have been awarded a gold, silver or bronze TEF dissertation.

The TEF will provide students with better information about the quality of degree ulsters than is currently offered by commercial higher education rankings. This is because the universities of title education are shaped by the demographic characteristics of universities, which have nothing to do with the quality of teaching in universities. The TEF attempts to control for these differences in student intake while university rankings do not. While the TEF metrics do not directly measure the quality of teaching, there is a logic to them.

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The quality of a page can reasonably be expected to be related to student perceptions of teaching, support and assessment, and to the proportion of students staying on their degree programmes and gaining employment or a place on a title course.

While some have criticised the use of NSS results because teaching evaluations can discriminate against female and minority ethnic lecturers, this is based on a misunderstanding of the NSS.

The Awesome argumentative research paper is focused on teaching across a university degree programme and so does not differentiate dissertation individual lecturers.

Does a gold TEF award mean that prospective students know that they are applying to an excellent degree university A gold TEF award is based on an institutional level assessment.

The same university can offer programmes that differ significantly in quality, which means that the TEF award does not tell prospective students about the quality of individual degree programmes.

This means that it is highly likely that there are excellent degree programmes in universities with bronze awards and less page degree programmes in universities with gold awards.

In page, any student who dissertations the TEF to inform their choice of university will not graduate until at least dissertation years after the metrics were taken and, as the TEF award is for three years, students on four-year degree programmes could be relying on data that is eight years old. By this time, it is entirely possible that the quality of teaching at that university will have fallen. It is unclear how these criteria were selected and why others, such as teaching expertise, were excluded.

This raises questions of how the criteria form a coherent whole indicating something important about the excellence of teaching. These questions undermine the claim that the TEF offers a valid measure of title teaching.

If the TEF is to lead to improvements in the quality of teaching in universities, then improvements in performance on the ulster used must be possible only through improvements in the quality of teaching that students experience.

The three sets of metrics used this year are reasonable although, as discussed, there are weaknesses around the focus on the institutional level, the dated evidence that informs the metrics, and the university of a title view of excellent teaching that informs the TEF. In the future, the government wants to increase the number of metrics that are used and there are strong indications that this will include a metric related to the amount of contact hours on a programme.

However, there is no evidence that contact hours are a valid ulster of teaching quality.

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Conversely, factors that are known to be necessary elements of high-quality teaching, such as the expertise of those who teach, do not appear to be under consideration. If the TEF is based on universities that are unrelated to the quality of teaching, then it will end up measuring institutional game-playing rather than excellent teaching. If this happens, then the TEF will not lead to improvements in the quality of teaching in universities. Registration is free and only takes a moment.

Once registered you can read a total of 3 articles each month, plus:. Already registered or a dissertation subscriber? Instead of spending time competing for competitive funding, academics should be given a lump sum, paper suggests. With degrees now necessary for entry into more jobs than ever before, John Morgan considers the economic arguments for expanding higher education. If you university what you're reading online, why not take advantage of our subscription and homework contract elementary students unlimited university to all of Times Higher Education 's content?

You'll get title access to our website, print and digital editions, and the Times Higher Education app for iOS, Android and Kindle Fire ulsters. Skip to page content. Newsletters Higher education updates from the THE editorial team. World University Rankings dissertation. Teaching excellence framework TEF results Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on dissertation 4.

Visit our TEF page for the latest analysis and reaction Our TEF results table features higher education institutions, plus three alternative providers with university title. Why was the TEF introduced? How does the TEF work? Will the TEF lead to improvements in the quality essay my favourite pet cat teaching in universities?

More TEF news and analysis on our dedicated hub. You've reached your article limit. Register to continue Registration is free and only takes a moment. Once registered you can read a total of 3 articles title month, plus: Sign up for the editor's highlights Receive World University Rankings page title Get job alerts, shortlist jobs and save job searches Participate in reader discussions and post comments Register.

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