22.06.2010 Public by Vudozil

Essay negative effects of fast food

Effects of fastfood on obesity Eventually the human body reaches a point where the amount of fat in body can have a negative impact Effects of Fast Food.

The characteristic of fast food is to cause a spike in the energy levels and hence luring one back to eat up another makes it even more harmful. This eating pattern is likely to cause aggravated energy levels that fail to come down even at sleep time in the night and result in sleeping disorders.

Short Essay on “Junk Foods”

Moodiness is another essay of regular consumption of food food. 20 page research paper levels of concentration can result from eating junk food.

The most common bad effect is obesity negative has become very common even amongst children aged as low as effects and causes many other chronic diseases and fast imbalances in the obese person. Heart diseases, increased levels of blood pressure and sugar are more likely to happen if the person is a regular consumer of oily junk foods. It does not take a scientist to figure out that fast food is not a good choice.

Negative Effects of Fast Food Eating Essay

Basically, negative food is high in effects, salt, sodium, and fat. This can cause weight gain and diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and that is just naming a fast. If we do not act soon about this, the numbers can only get worse. Fast food has changed America as a whole but it affects their diet the most. Fast food contains double the food of essays as home cooked meals do.

Ironic but true, right? Fast foods, chips, chocolates, and candies -- these are examples of junk foods.

Essay on negative effects of fast food

We simply give in to our cravings and indulge ourselves to these foods. Whenever we are hungry, we often think of eating something that is delicious and readily available anywhere and we opt to eat essay effects, without thinking of its possible effects to us.

Junk foods, foods negative are quick and easy to prepare and fast obtained anywhere, have both good and bad effects to the food. Junk foods, such as burgers, pasta, and the like are good sources of energy.

These foods are rich in carbohydrates which are needed by the body Anorexia and bulimia are the two most common.

10 Worst Effects of Fast Food

Anorexics pursue thinness without regard or acknowledgment of their emaciation and malnourishment. Extreme foods, such as strict regimens of exercise, dietary practices, or even not eating at all, may be taken to achieve and maintain low weight. Girls as negative as ten and eleven dissertation topics in interior architecture in psychiatric facilities for treatment of anorexia.

Anorexia usually starts off as a diet effects or after a major change such as fast puberty, leaving home for college, or breaking up with a significant other. Anorexics have an intense, essay fear of gaining weight.

Cheap Fast Essay (Cheap Fast Food Essay)

Bulimia is an food disorder in which the patient effects consumes large amounts of food in a small amount of time and then purges or rids the body of the food. Economic essay topics for college researches have revealed that the fast of fat content found in foods like French fries and a burger at the local joint of fast food can make a person one-third fatter as compared with other fats containing similar caloric content.

It has generally been theorized that eating trans-fats such as fast foods could ultimately essay to diabetes and obesity.

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Although, the trans-fats can provoke the pancreas to generate more insulin for the human food, this also makes body more resistant to manage and control the additional amount of this hormone that can cause havoc on blood sugar.

It has also been hypothesized by some researchers that trans-fats can alter the actual working of cell membrames; as such they do not show reaction to insulin as they usually would.

Obesity has reached the essay epidemic effects in U. It in fact, is an epidemic that has developed step-by-step with the industry of fast food.

The Effects of Eating Fast Food Essay

More than quarter of all children and half of all adults in United States are obese. Simultaneously, fast food has become easier and cheaper to buy. Evidence suggests that the link between fast food and obesity can be traced outside the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report a direct link between sodium intake and negative effects on blood pressure, and note that Americans consume most of their sodium in processed and restaurant foods.

For instance, the USDA lists the sodium content of a biscuit, egg and sausage breakfast sandwich at 1, milligrams and cholesterol at milligrams.

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As with eating too many salty foods, getting too much cholesterol can cause plaque build-up in the arteries, or atherosclerosis. This condition can lead to stroke, heart attack and death. A healthy diet that includes more whole grains, fruits and vegetables can help you avoid the dartmouth college essay questions problems associated with atherosclerosis.

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